Monday, February 27, 2012

Macro Monday 2-27-12 - The Plant Edition

Hello and Welcome. - Hope your week is off to a good start.
It snowed here last night (if you could call the light dusting we got snow) but it's cold, and overcast and oh I am so ready for spring.  But enough whining let's move on to something a lot more fun.

It's time to share some Macro goodness over at Lisa's Chaos  She's got some lovely photo's of Snail Shells that you will want to check out along with many other entries by other participants so do take a peek.

For my selection(s) this week I'm sharing some Macro shots of plants that Coleen and I spotted on our walk up to the Park a couple of weeks ago. 
Love the colors on this plant and the fuzzy little spiny things on the leaves.  Have no clue what kind of a plant this is but Coleen thought it was pretty and so did I so I took a picture of it.
This is a type of Succulent. I like the bright cheery colors of this plant.
I believe this is also a Succulent plant of some type.  I love the soft yellow color of the bloom.
This one I think was just a weed of some kind but it had such pretty little flowers and those leaves were pretty cool too.  A very delicate beauty for sure.

Lastly I'm sharing a photo of my Hen and Chick plant with some ice crystals from last nights snowfall that I just took a few minutes ago. 


  1. Your shots are so pretty!!! I love em!

  2. Excellent details in these macros!

  3. Cool... love the ice crystals on the succulent!

  4. I love sedum in a rock garden. These are such pretty shots, Ida. Loving the little flowers.

  5. Beautiful compositions.

    Regards and best wishes


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