Saturday, February 25, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - February 26, 2012

Welcome! - Hey if you haven't voted yet for the Love Letters To Kitty Paw please do so HERE and VOTE for #17 - Geesh I've only got 2 votes and one of those was mine!

So now on to this weeks Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts:

Crossed, A Glimpse, Handwritten, Bliss, and Gray.

You may notice a bit of a "theme" with my photos for this weeks hunt: See if you can figure out what it is!

I was stumped at first on this prompt and then while taking some photos of Piglet (the stray we've adopted) I happened upon this shot of his paws "crossed".

A GLIMPSE:  The dictionary defines a glimpse as: 1. a very brief, passing look, sight or view.

This is from my "Archives" but I was so happy with this photo I had to share.  This is a neighbors cat, Fluffy who just happened to be catching a "glimpse" of what was over the fence.  She's such a pretty little cat and often stops by for a snack or just to get petted.

HANDWRITTEN:  - I thought about sharing the same photo of Miss Dottie that was entered in the Love Letters to Kitty Paw contest and even did a different version of the photo and then I decided to see if I could get one of our other cats interested in using a pen/pencil.  This is as close as I got: Callie-Jo wasn't to impressed with learning to write.
I couldn't resist adding the quote to the notebook paper!

BLISS:  What's more blissful then this:
Captain Cuddles certainly looks blissful to me asleep in that cardboard box.  And a good "cat nap" is pretty blissful for me too.

GRAY:  You guessed it...
I took this shot of Piglet outside tonight around 9:30 PM - He is indeed gray or (silver) depending on how you look at it. - He's got a bit of a scowl on his face because there was another neighborhood cat outside as well (a male) and they were having some not so friendly words with each other.  I was trying to take his picture after the other cat left and he still wasn't feeling the love.

So that's it for this weeks hunt.  Do check out Ashley's Blog to see the other entries.

Next week: Routine, Music, Technology, Show Me Your Style, and Mismatch


  1. OMGoodness. Crossed is perfection! Fabulous set!

  2. Beautiful second shot. What a fun hunt this week!

  3. Great shots Ida, Love the handwriting !

  4. Wonderful that you managed to get all the photos with cats in!!! Love them all.

  5. These are adorable - I came so close to using a picture of our gray cat helping out my son with his homework for the 'handwritten' prompt. Very cute!

  6. Love the kitty shots. Great set.

  7. What wonderful photos - they all made me smile. I love your handwritten photo, and the look on Piglet's face in the gray photo is priceless! Cats never fail to show their displeasure when you're intruding on their space, do they? lol

  8. What a pretty crossed picture. So soft and sweet!

  9. Love your crossed and glimpse shots, Ida.

  10. Your glimpse is perfect! Love it!

  11. I love every single kitty shot! I often want to dedicate my entire photo set to my cat - I am glad you did.

  12. An all cat scavenger hunt...I love it! They are all beautiful!! And I love the crossed pic best I think.

  13. Such cute kitties. I would have 100 cats if I could. And I voted for you - you have 4 votes now!

  14. I like your "crossed" photo! Very creative :)

  15. Love your pictures. Cats could be so much fun. Thanks for your comments and visit.

  16. Love the crossed image!! Just perfect!! They're all great images!!

  17. Love all of these shots - really love the second one.

  18. What a lovely set of photos for the Scavenger Hunt!
    Love all the cats - cannot choose a favorite!
    Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog!
    Lea's Menagerie

  19. I absolutely love love love your crossed picture. And your kitties are adorable! (I am a fellow cat person.)

  20. Pretty kitties! I love the composition of crossed.

  21. I love that shot of your neighbor's cat peeking over the fence... wonderful!

  22. Fun cat theme! Love your 'crossed'...and 'glimpse' is gorgeous!!!

  23. Love the photo of all your lovely kitty. Sweet focus on your Glimpse. Have a great week!

  24. Hi Ida, I have to say first off, that I love all the cat names. Captain Cuddles! How cute is that! And Piglet! What a perfect name for the little grey cat. Callie-Jo looks a bit miffed about being asked to write out a quote, but she has managed to be quite profound with her scribbling. LOL

  25. Loving the kitty-themed collection, Ida. Your kitties are so pretty. Very photogenic. :)

  26. I just love that first one- made me smile

  27. Another great week of hunting. Love your theme this week!

  28. Again, nice job, Ida, and fun...I lost my cat a month or two ago and so want another..soon....

  29. Nice job, Ida, and fun, too...I lost my cat a month or two ago and so want another...soon.


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