Thursday, February 9, 2012

Photo Art Friday - February 10, 2012

Hello! - Hey it's Friday and time once again for another great addition of Photo Art.
Please join us over on Bonnie's Blog (Pixel Dust Photo Art) where this weeks theme is open to whatever you want.  Bonnie did mention last week since Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching that if we wanted to go that route we could so I did!  Here is what I came up with.

For this I used one of Bonnie's newest textures: Ephemeral.  I changed the hue to suit my photo and lightened it as well.  Then I went to Picnik added the Viginette feature and the Postage Stamp Frame and Text.  Pretty straight forward and easy but I think it turned out really pretty.

Please stop by and leave Bonnie some comment lovin and let her know how much you enjoy Photo Art Friday.  Pop by a few of the other entrants and then why not give this a try yourself.

Have a great weekend. 


  1. Ida this is lovey, and the texture really suits your lovely flower so well. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. It turned out so well...delicate, wonderful colors...I like it.

    Today, I have two art church and one iris. You'll need to scroll down a bit on my blog entry to view. Do come by and visit if you can find time. CLICK HERE Have a great Friday.

  3. You have achieved a soft effect which compliments the photograph. Cheers

  4. Beautiful, I love the color of these flowers is delicious shades. A picture full of poetry.

  5. How beautiful this is Ida!
    I can't wait to see these here again.
    Sending you wishes for a wonderful weekend!

  6. What a beautiful flower! And I like the way you processed the image.

  7. Wow Ida - what a beautiful piece of photo art! Love the subtlety with which you applied the texture and the frame sets it off just right! Thanks so much for sharing your artwork with Photo Art Friday.

  8. Gorgeous composition and processing.

    (I hope your furnace is working now.)

  9. Beautiful work Ida!

  10. Nice use of her newest texture - I kind of struggled with ideas about how to use it. Now I know!

  11. That is a really beautiful processing. The texture is lovely and your picture itself is beautiful!

  12. Isn't this a bleeding heart... very lovely composition. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from PAF. Karen

  13. beautiful flower. makes me crave spring!

  14. Very nice, Ida. I like all the effects. I'm sure going to miss Picnik.

  15. Very nicely done, Ida. I'll have to read about the google change.

  16. Very nice and fresh. I can't quite remember what thatplant is called, unless it s a dicentra of sorts?
    I liked that texture too: the raised white letters are so distinctive.


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