Monday, February 13, 2012

Macro Monday 2-13-12 The Awakening

Hey it's Monday! It's also time for Macro Monday
over at Lisa's Chaos.  

The other day I went outside to see if I could find something to take a picture of and I spotted something in my flower bed that I thought was interesting and different. 

Spring is slowly showing signs of awekening and here's the proof:

Don't you just love how those Daffodils are pushing the earth up out of the ground and creating that little umbrella clump of earth. Can't wait to see their sunny yellow blooms!

Be sure to pop over to Lisa's blog and check out some of the other entrants Macro's.  You are bound to be delighted.  I know I always am.  Have a wonderful start to your week.
Before I go please take note of this:

Google Friends Connect is Going Away

Well it appears that I've been out of the loop as to this information but I've been seeing it more and more on other blogs so today I did a bit of research and discovered this to be true. Since this feature is going away on March 1st I've decided to add Linky Followers instead. So PLEASE if you are a follower of my blog please change over to the Linky Follower as I will remove that feature on February 29th. You might also consider switching over your blogs so that I can follow you the same way. It's really easy to do. You can find all the information you need here: on how to sign up.


  1. WOW that is an awesome picture, you were really on the hunt to find something awesome.

  2. Yay for the daffodils sprouting up!

  3. Very good macro photo.

    Regards and best wishes

  4. Wow! Nature in action! Thanks for visiting. :)


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