Monday, February 6, 2012

Photo Friday Challenge - Animals

For my Macro Monday Shot click HERE:

Carly (The Simple Things) has a new challenge on her blog called Photo Friday where a theme is picked and you post a photo according to the weeks theme.  This week the theme is,  Animals.  Well hey I've got plenty of those running around my house so I just had to participate!  Of course you probably know that my photo is going to be of a cat since we have 6 of them and you are correct.  My shot is of a cat but not one of our own. 

This is "Piglet" the stray that has adopted us.  He likes to sit in the empty window box outside my Craftroom window.  It was raining but it's under the eaves so he wasn't getting wet.  However he does have a pretty pathetic look on his face as if to say,  "Hey why can't you let me in."  notice that there is one of our cats on the desk looking back out at the other kitty.

I'd love to let him in but with the other male cats in the house I don't think that would really be a good idea.
Be sure to pop over to Carly's blog and join in on the fun.


  1. Oh, he does look like he wants to come in. Great shot :)

  2. Awww-- what a cutie!

  3. Oh Ida, I'd have to draw my blinds, at least he looks like he's being fed. My family is such a sucker for strays. Theres always a bowl of food out on the porch for who ever or what ever passes by. The bowls are always empty in the morning. Great picture.

  4. What a cutie and I love that he's adopted you and your family. His little eyes are saying "hey, let me in!" :-) Too sweet!

  5. I'm a sucker for a stray cat. Stay strong!

  6. At least he has that nice dry windowbox to sit in. :-)

  7. Oh he looks so sad...he wants to come in and enjoy the warmth and comfort of your home!!

  8. Ha! What a cutie...I think that it's adorable that he adopted you too:)

  9. I loved this beautiful cat with a very serene look. Greetings and good weekend.

  10. Nice shot! He's a cute cat.


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