Sunday, February 5, 2012

Macro Monday 2-6-12 and Your Sunday Best Shot

Hello friends!.  It's time for Macro Monday(Lisa's Chaos)  and today I'm also entering another "new to me meme" called Your Sunday Best Shot over on Nancy's Blog, A Rural Journal.  Sounds like fun!

Friday while walking Coleen home from school she picked up something out of the street and said, "Grandma look at this."  - It was a small piece of a branch off some tree.  I found it quite fascinating and decided to take it home and photograph it.  I tired taking shots outside but the stray kitty we take care of kept trying to eat the branch so I ended up bringing it inside and taking photo's on our window ledge. 

Here is my shot for Your Sunday Best and Macro Monday:

Now Nancy did say, One Shot Per week but I'm going to show 2 other shots below just because this branch was so interesting.  I hope she won't mind. We'll consider them "Bonus" shots!

Please stop by both Lisa and Nancy's blogs and check out some of the other participants blogs. It's fun and you get to see some amazing photography.


  1. Fascinating plant piece. At first glance I thought it was part of a handmade bouquet, felt and silk. I wonder what it is....

  2. These are lovely shots, Ida. I wonder what type of tree this is?

    Thanks so much for sharing with us at Your Sunday Best. Please feel welcome to join in again. :)

  3. amazing blossoms on the branch and photo . . . now I'm going to be wondering what kind of tree it is!

  4. Lovely macro photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  5. Wow-- that is an interesting branch-- I've never seen anything like it- what beautiful colors!

  6. Wonderful selective focus and details.

    Happy MM

  7. Wow, that really is beautiful! I wonder if it might root, if you put it on some wet soil...

  8. Beautiful captures!

    Have a nice day.

  9. I love the colors in the branch. The soft pink and gray. You captured it so well. I, too, wonder what kind of three that is. Blessings.

  10. That is such an interesting branch!!

    Thanks for dropping by and visiting, much appreciated.

  11. This doesn't even look real - I can't even figure out what type of shrub it is. Great macro's Ida.


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