Saturday, February 4, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - February 5, 2012

Welcome! - Hope that you all have had a great week.  It was pretty much a normal week here.  Oh I should report that I did have great bowling scores (for a change) this past Tuesday - 146 (which is 1 pin over my average), 192 and 180!  Now if only every week I could bowl that well.

Okay time to move on to this weeks Scavenger Hunt Sunday .  I really liked the prompts for this weeks hunt. I just wish the weather would have been nicer so I could have actually got out and found some better shots for some of the prompts.  So please try not to laugh to hard at what I came up with for a few of the prompts. 


First up, 
Strike a Pose:  For this one I decided to dig into the Archives mainly because this particular photo was one that I just couldn't pass up sharing.

This was taken last summer when Coleen was playing outside and wearing a cape that her great-grandma (my mom) had made for her.  She started posing and I started snapping away.  Priceless!

Footwear:  Yikes this one I just wasn't sure what to do but I finally settled on taking a picture of Coleen's Rain boots.  They have Frogs and Flies on them...Aren't they fun!
 Well lately Photography has become my newest hobby but I still love Rubber Stamping/Card Making so I'm sharing the latest of a card I made.

Shiny - This is the one you need to try and not laugh at.  It's a stretch but here it is:
I was laying in bed and happened to see the way the light from the window was shining on a hanger above the bathroom door and thought it would be cool to take a picture of it.  It's not the greatest photo but I do think the sunlight turned the hanger into something quite shiny.

Color Me Green - Again another photo from the Archives as I wasn't going out in the rain to find something Green to photograph (I know what a wuss!)

I took this last fall when I was doing a series about fall images and just didn't post it then.  I love how all the Ginko leaves are strewn down the sidewalk creating a carpet of Green.

So that's it for this week.  Next week the prompts are:
Facial Feature, Shadow, Spicy, Gold and Fabric.

Be sure to check out Ashley's blog and the other enteries.  It's always a real treat.
Have a great weekend.


  1. The pose with the cape is priceless! Great shots!!!

  2. Great photos. Love the card, too.

  3. I really love your green shot, really beautiful

  4. That pose is adorable! Love the green leaves!

  5. Love strike a pose - way too cute!

  6. Fun pictures, love seeing Coleen, your birthday cup cake card is adorable, that blanket of leaves is awesome. Forgot those rain boots were adorable, interesting lightings on that hangar. I look forward to next week.

  7. Haha...lovin' that "strike a pose"...what a great facial expression :)


  8. Cute pose shot and I love your hobby shot. I have never seen ginko leaves before . . . nice take on green.

  9. Love your "pose" shot! Adorable!! Also, love those green boots!! I need something like that around here, all we've had is rain!!

  10. Love that cape pose...when children put on capes they become a new it!! Love those ginkgo leaves, such a beautiful shape. And I do love rubber-stamping as well, cute card.

  11. I really like your last photo, what a great shot. And the 'pose' was so expressive and cute.

  12. Your photos are fantastic Ida! How gorgeous is Coleen in her cape (I would love half of her energy)!

  13. Ooh, I love that last shot so much!

  14. I love love love your green shot. So beautiful!


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