Thursday, March 15, 2012

Photo Art Friday - March 16, 2012

It's time once again to join everyone over on Bonnie's Blog for Photo Art Friday.  This week the options were: 1. Any Piece of Photo Art
2. Continue with the "hidden in plain sight" idea or
3. Go with the Color, Green - because after all St. Patrick's Day is close at hand.

Can you guess which theme I went with?

Here are my starting Photo's - Click on them to enlarge:

The photo on the left is some moss growing on the side of a concrete wall and the photo on the right is some clover (shamrock) in our yard.

Here is what I did with the 2 photos:

For this version I rotated the Moss photo 90 degrees right and then over-layed the clover photo using Hard light at approx. 64-74 %  Then I used a Filter feature in Gimp called, Illusion to create the circular effect.  I added the Irish Blessing and the Frame with features on Picnik.

Still playing:

For this version I used the same 2 photo's as described above but then used a feature called, Mandelbrot Fractal Elements in Gimp to create all the different swirls of clover.  I added the Text (Lucky) and a sort of hidden in plain sight element...can you guess what it is?

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY -  I'm not Irish but I've always dreamed of going to Ireland and someday I hope that dream will come true.  In the mean time I'll just enjoy being Irish for a day.

Have a great weekend and be sure to visit all the other great entries for PAF.


  1. Top of the Morning to You! Perfect art for St. Patty's Day!

  2. wonderful work, nice and green as well.

  3. I'm first again :)

    Wonderful work of art.

  4. Ida, these are fantastic!
    I especially love "Lucky!"
    Sending you wishes for a wonderful weekend.

  5. Nice work! I really like the Lucky image!

  6. LOVE the shamrock...the original and your piece of work. Perfect for this weekend.

    And btw, you're not 'odd'...if you like DST, that's okay. Nothing odd about it.

    Have a glorious, wonderful weekend Ida.

  7. loved what you did with the photos!

  8. Cool processing!
    You accomplished "green" and "hidden"
    (four-leaf clover, right??)

  9. almost makes me dizzy. :) love the way the clover shines through.

  10. Happy St. Patricks day to you Ida. Loe the swirl effect you have created.

  11. yeah, I love these wonderful textures, exquisite color, a large compositions. Greetings.

  12. Så bra du satt ihop fotona i grönt.
    Bra beskrivning har du också. Snyggt. Ha en trevlig helg. Anita

  13. I like your imaginative and creative photos..true to the holiday...

  14. Lots of wonderful results here. Very creative. It's so much fun to try different filters and effects. I never know what I'm going to end up with.

  15. Very nice post-processing.

    Regards and best wishes

  16. I love them all. How creative and I used that same quote on my FB page today :D Happy St. Patrick's day...great editing.

    Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment.

    Capture Life!

  17. Great effects! I haven't used Gimp much, but I think I'm going to have to check out some of those filters!


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