Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Whatever" Wednesday - The Birthday Edition

Hi,  I've been a little "quieter" this past week because I was celebrating my Birthday. Yesterday (March 20) was my birthday.  It was also the official "1st Day of Spring" here in the US, although in my neck of the woods it wasn't very springy weather. - In fact it's down right cold (still in the low 40's) and as you will see in one of the photos today parts of the area don't look at all like it's spring.

On Monday my mom, daughter and I went to the Wildhorse Resort and Casino for a little gambling at the slots. Wish I could say we all came away big winners but that just wasn't the case.  We did each bring back a little of what we took to gamble with so as not to make the day a total bust.  I had some people coming in to the casino snap a photo of us before we headed back home.

I took a photo of the New Hotel they built just this past year.

My daughter snapped this next photo for me on our way home.  It's a view of the mountains and as you can see they had a nice fresh dusting of snow - Brrr.....

Lastly here is a (bad) photo of me blowing out candles on the cupcakes we had last night. Yes I'm in my bathrobe and my hair is messy (it was windy out when we went to dinner) but I had a good time and a great birthday.

Ah , another year older and another year wiser (?) - Till next time,  Take care and Have a great day!


  1. Happy Birthday a day late, Ida. I can see it was a good one even if it was chilly.

    May all of your Birthday wishes come true.

    Those cupcakes look so yummy.
    Sweets for the sweet!


  2. Hi Ida, Hope you had a great birthday! I wanted to say "thank you" for suggesting that I buy a book to help me with GIMP. I had never even thought that there would be a book on it. I now have my book from Amazon, still sitting in the Amazon box. Now if only we could buy some extra time!!!!

    Happy Spring - it is very early spring here in is supposed to be 85 degrees today. It is way to early for that king of heat!!!

  3. Another March birthday girl (me too!) Happy Birthday Ida. So glad you were able to spend it with two special ladies in your life. :)

  4. Hi Ida, sounds like you had a great time on your bday. Love the pictures, robe and all. Birhtday huggsies, Rose


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