Thursday, March 22, 2012

Photo Art Friday - March 23, 2012

Hello! - So are you ready for another great week of Photo Art brought to you courtesy of Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art.

This week our suggested themes were:  As always any piece of Photo Art - Left open to your own interpretation of Photo Art


A piece of Photo Art that without using a Photograph of yourself is somewhat autobiographical in nature.  Now I'm not sure if what I've done is truly autobiographical of who I am as a person but I believe is does showcase a part of what makes me who I am.  So without further ado here is my submission for this week.

I have always loved cats and have had them since I was very little.  Even after I became "allergic" to them I just couldn't resist having one.  Now of course I have more then 1 since we have 6 of them living inside our house.  On top of that we feed neighborhood strays and neighbors cats as well.  This little cat collage showcases 5 of our own cats and 3 of the neighborhood cats. - You know you always hear about the, "Crazy Cat Lady" who lives in the neighborhood...well that's got to be me!

Just for FUN I posterized the collage as well using Picnik.  It gives the collage an, "Artsy" feel.

Cats appearing in collage:  Top Left, Miss Dottie, Top Right, Snickers
2 Small Photos on Left: Peaches (neighborhood cat), Callie-Jo
2 Small Photos on Right: Captain Cuddles, Harley
Bottom Left: Piglet (our adopted stray) and  Bottom Right: Fluffy (neighborhood cat)

Be sure to stop by Bonnie's blog and click on the links to the other entries.  You won't be disappointed.
Have a wonderful weekend.  Hopefully it's not going to snow here again.  More rain is fore casted but I'd much rather see sunny skies.


  1. That's lovely. I love the artsy look.

  2. Ida, both of these are really wonderful. I need to try something similar one day. Glad that you have obviously overcome your allergy to cats. Thanks so much for sharing. Karen

  3. Nice work on your cat collage! How do you conquer your allergies to cats? Just curious, as my grandkids suffer so much when they come to my house. (From PAF)

  4. What a fun collage you have created. Love the texture and colors.

  5. Your kitty's are wonderful and both of your pieces are great and I do like the "artsy" feel of the second one!

  6. Ida, I would have had no problem picking out your piece of work! It is so you and a cute collage.

  7. Very nice, I love them both and agree the posterize in the last one does give it that artsy feel!

  8. I love both versions of your collage!
    I love cats too!

  9. Aw, aw, and more awwww.
    I love cats.
    How blessed you are!
    Excellent collage,
    both the straight photos and the posterized version
    (I like the color choice).

  10. Aww, such sweet kitties! I think I'm partial to Callie-Jo. :) Your collage is lovely and I love the artistic effect you added to the final image. Thank you for sharing!

  11. Your kitty pictures are wonderful. I love them names of your cats - adorable!

  12. I love cats too :) Such a beautiful and great work!

  13. Great collage, crazy cat lady! :)

  14. Ida, this is a wonderful collage, and what sweet little ones.
    I have "Kitty."
    I believe she was abandoned about 5 years ago. I noticed her hanging around here, began to feed her, and the rest is history. I never really was much of a cat person before Kitty, but she has truly captured my heart, and she knows it!!!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  15. OK you daughter has 4 cats and a dog...I thought she won the title of Crazy Cat Lady, but you have the honor hands down. Great little collage of some of your kitties!!

  16. Love your wonderful kitty collage and what you did with it.

  17. What wonderful pictures. A great mosaic, I love to see these cats so happy. Greetings.

  18. 6 cats...that´s a lot. And you are allergic? Don´t get that. But they are a nice bunch and made an interesting mosaic. :)

  19. that college is great. those cats are so cute. I like cats but I am not a cat lady. I'm more of a dog person.
    btw, thank you for stopping by my blog and such a sweet comment. have a great weekend.

  20. I love your collage art this week Ida!

  21. Oh cute! (Even if I'm really allergic to cats...and will not have them around.) Did you do the collage in Picnik, too? It's a great look.

  22. I love cats too. You have done nice work with your picture, the picture nr 2.


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