Thursday, March 22, 2012

Rural Thursday - Hey it stopped raining...

I thought I might join in on Rural Thursday over on Nancy's Blog (A Rural Journal) today.

Good Morning! - Well yesterday I posted some photos about my birthday and the fact that the weather hadn't been at all springlike with all the rain we've had.  I guess one shouldn't complain because this is what we woke up to this morning...

"What on earth is happening - The 1st Day of Spring was 2 days ago, right?

Coleen on her way to school. I couldn't help but think of how when I was a kid I use to have to walk 5 miles, uphill in blinding snow storms, barefoot...Okay so I'm exaggerating a little!

Poor little Daffodils...Every spring it's either rain or snow that arrives just after the flowers start blooming and they look so sad...
Snowball Shrubs!

Pull up a Park bench anyone?

Apple Blossoms.

Let me just say I could not get my Captions to line up under the photo's so I apologize for that.

I'm happy to report the sun is out, the sky is mostly blue, the snow is melting.
Forecast for next week.....RAIN!


  1. that just doesn't seem right to be getting snow when it's spring time! those apple blossoms are gorgeous! hope you get some spring weather soon!

  2. beautiful photos, love that cherry blossom...

  3. Well, those flowers look cold! Thanks for linking up with Rural Thursday today.

  4. Very nice photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  5. Oh no! I'm so glad it skipped us today. Is it melting quickly? Where is the scene with the park that one! Of course, the snowball shrubs are great, too. And Colleen traipsing down the snowy path.... ;-)

  6. We've been having some nice weather but I'm sure it's not going to last long.

  7. Your pictures are gorgeous but you can keep the snow. ;)

    HAPPY Belated Birthday!

  8. wow, thank you for sharing the snowy view with us. hopped over thanks to rural thursday. we are having 80s here in virginia. we are so concerned around here about freezing. fingers crossed ... would hate for things to get all messed up after these gorgeous blooms look so beautiful & plentiful. (:

  9. Poor apple blossoms! I'm hoping my fruit trees don't get any surprises this year.

    Beatuiful photos, Ida! Thanks so much for sharing.

  10. Oh my!! What a surprise!! I would love that if it happened here!! You captured some beautiful snow images!! We've had about six inches of rain in less that 24 hours!! We slopping around in the mud!!

  11. I am totally expecting some of that! The photos are beautiful, though quite chilly looking!

  12. Oh no, not snow, Ida!!!
    Here in NY, we broke all previously recorded high temp records this week, and it was wonderful. Forecasted high temp for this coming Monday? 37 degrees. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted!

  13. something so wrong and completely beautiful about snow blanketed blossoms.

  14. Delicious photos of the snow, it snowed here too on Tuesday. Greetings.


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