Thursday, April 26, 2012

Photo Art Friday - April 27, 2012

Hello & Welcome to this weeks edition of PAF.  You can check out all the great enteries by popping on over to Bonnie's Blog,  Pixel Dust Photo Art where you'll find links to all the other participants blogs.

This week the theme was "ANY" piece of Photo Art or a piece of Photo Art showcasing one of Bonnie's textures.  She has some really great one's and generously offers a number of them for FREE. 

I have several versions of my piece to show you this week because I just couldn't stop playing around with it!  This is my mom's Lilac Tree.  It's a French Lilac and has the hugest blooms I've ever seen.  Too bad that the smell makes me sneeze if I'm around it too long.

First the Before Photo:
Version 1 - This uses Bonnie's texture, Painterly  (I Inverted the Color though before adding the texture to the photo) 

After adding the texture in PicMonkey I used some of their features to edit the photo further. 

The Next Version uses, Abstract Scratches:

Up next is a version that uses Dappled Dawn - I used the Gimp program with this version and added the Canvas Filter Effect.
Lastly I used the same texture but then added a really cool looking frame I found on Pixlr-o-matic
I also edited the photo there as well.

I had a few other versions but decided not to use them.  It would have been a huge overload I think, but I sure had fun messing around with this photo and various textures and effects.

Let me know what you think and which version is your favorite.  #1 is My favorite and hubby liked it the best as well.  We thought it had a wonderful vintage feel.
I do like that awesome frame though on the last version.

ETA:  LeAnne invited me over to post on her blog for a new feature called,  Flower Art Friday so this last shot is going to be featured over there as well.  Thanks LeAnne, sounds like fun and I love flowers.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Hi Ida:)

    The first photo! What a gorgeous work of art. Very well done!

  2. I like the third one..but the frame is cool too, they're all beautiful :)

  3. I think all versions have a somethign to offer. I love lilacs and the ones in my area are done blooming. I would love it if you would come share any of these images over at my new "Flower Art Friday" linkup. Hope to see you there!

  4. I love every single one of them! Probably because I adore lilacs, but your work is stunning.

  5. Those are all beautiful! It would be very hard to pick a fave.

  6. Well, you asked for my favorite, but picking just one was difficult.
    You had a great starting photo.
    I've been scrolling up and down in your blog post,
    and I've finally picked edit #3.
    Great job!

  7. Those are beautiful lilac blooms! I agree that the first edit is very nice, but I think I prefer the third one for the depth and richness of color! They're all really pretty though.

  8. I like the picture nr 4, lilacs are one of my favorites.

  9. I love the processing you did on this image. Each one has such a wonderful different feel.

  10. OH my gosh, Looks like you had some fun editing your photos. They look great!

  11. I love all your pics, just gorgeous!...Have a great weekend!

  12. OMG Ida! These are all stunning!! As for choosing a favourite I can't decide between the 2nd and 3rd ones!
    This is my first visit to your blog! I LOVE your banner!
    Clearly I have much learning to do! (and you have a new follower!!)

  13. Excellent flowers, those textures have become pure poetry, delicious photos.

  14. They are all wonderful edits, but the first one would have to be my favourite.

  15. Ida, this is especially beautiful to me, because it looks like we will have no lilacs this year. the weather has not been good, and I think it is taking it's toll on the plants.
    I love the processing you did on these. the colors are wonderful.
    I wish you a great weekend ahead!

  16. thanks for bringing me back, they are all lovely. lilacs have been a favorite since childhood...the color, the scent, everything about them is just amazing!!

    these images are beautiful and artfull!!

  17. all of these are just lovely, and you have used my most favorite flower. Sadly, they do not do well in Texas because of the heat, but when I see one, it brings me right back to my childhood where they grew in abundance in my yard, and ohhhhhh the fragrance..... Thanks for sharing these!

  18. I like them all, but if I had to pick, one, I'd choose #3. Very pretty.

  19. I can practically smell these lilacs - beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

  20. great work Ida. My choise of your images is the second one. The one with the scratches. .)

  21. Wow! I'm impressed Ida. These are great. Thanks for sharing with Photo Art Friday.

  22. I LOVE this photo and all your treatments. No lilacs blooming around here (Seattle) so I like getting to enjoy them vicariously. Some are very vintage feeling and I really like the black frame in the last one. Thanks so much for the visit - from PAF

  23. En fantastisk blomma att leka med med olika texturer. Gillar också syrener. Ha de gott i helgen.

  24. Ida!!! Fabulous images and processing of the lilacs....every one of them!

  25. I just love lilacs! Your editing is great! :)

  26. Beautiful...isn't it fun editing in all these different programs! Great processing on each one of them, but I too like the first one best, a nice vintage feel and look to it.


  27. First of all the image is wonderful SOC. But, I truly enjoy the "old world" feel of your processing and the masking frame that you used for the last one, too. Lovely image. Visiting from Bonnie's PAF today. Thank you. Karen


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