Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Whatever" Wednesday - Some Nature Shots

Hi! - Well it's Wednesday and we're half-way through the week.  The weather this week has been great for the most part.  We had beautiful weather on Monday with temps up in the 80's.  Of course Monday evening we had a spectacular Thunder/Lightning Storm.  I tried to take photo's but with a Point-n-Shoot camera it just wasn't feasible.  Anyway I am sharing some photo's I took last week at various times.

First up:  Ants,  I took this on the way home from picking Coleen up from school one afternoon last week.  There was a huge pile of Ants on the sidewalk so I thought it would be fun to take a Macro shot of them.  After I viewed the picture on the screen I was surprised to see that the ants had captured a grasshopper and we're all in a frenzy over their kill.
      From my flower garden,  This little Ladybug was just waiting for it's moment in the spotlight!
                                                                                                                                                                                                    One of the flowers in my front flower bed.  I love how this plant has blossoms that are pink and also blue at the same time.
Finally from the Park:  These are 2 shots that I debated about using for the Scavenger Hunt prompts of: Splash and In The Sun.  In the end I went with different photo's but I still think these are worthy of being showcased.  I love the beads of water on the Goose and that Squirrel was just posing so perfectly I couldn't resist snapping a photo.

Enjoy the rest of the week and thanks for stopping by.


  1. The ants....eewe...and cool!!
    The photo of one I have seen with her big eyes..
    The flower...oohh
    The bird...aahh
    the squirrel...he stood still for the photo!

  2. Nice shots, Ida! I really like the ladybug. Great detail! The squirrel is quite the poser!

  3. These are all such great macro images! I love the bird and ladybug; their colors are so striking!

  4. Yikes on those ants, they give me the creepy crawlies. Love that little lady bug and the color of those flowers is beautiful. That goose looks so regal and of course the squirrel is adorable!!! Beautiful shots.

  5. happy hump day. cute little lady bug....and i love your swan. what a pretty, prestine white one!!

  6. Beautiful photos, a beautiful paradise show these macros, delicious colors. Greetings.

  7. Love the ladybug is amazing! Great macro shot of the pulmonaria/lungwort too!!


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