Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Whatever Wednesday" a little delayed.

Hello.  Yesterday was my Anniversary - Well my hubby's and my Anniversary.  #20!  We are waiting until the weekend though to celebrate.  To much going on during the week, plus this has been a very stressful week.  The daughter had company over the weekend come to visit and then Monday my mom had a flare up with her Blood Pressure and ended up in the hospital again.  She was home though on Tuesday and is doing okay.  With all that going on though I just didn't feel up to posting anything yesterday.  Haven't really been taking many pictures either.

So let's see what I can share today.
How about Easter Eggs from Easter Sunday that Greta and Coleen colored. 

Coleen blowing bubbles that she got in her Easter Basket,

My new Frog lawn decoration that my Sister-in-law surprised me with.

Piglet the cat enjoying a sunny moment in the grass.  I love how contented he looks.

Finally a Rainbow taken after yesterday's rainstorn. Lots of rain again this past week mixed with a few sunny days so we've been trying to work in the flower beds a little at a time.

Thanks for visiting.  Hopefully next week will be calmer and I will have my post up on time.


  1. WOW, those are some awesome easter eggs and what a peaceful looking cat, Coleen looks adorable as always and who doesn't enjoy a rainbow, great work.

  2. What a wonderful shot of Piglet (and what a great name for a cat!). Beautiful close-up.

  3. Fine, bright and lovely colors, I like these delicious photos.


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