Thursday, April 19, 2012

Photo Art Friday - April 20, 2012

Howdy everyone and welcome to this weeks edition of Photo Art Friday   For this week we could post "Any" piece of Photo Art or
One that conveys our interpretation of, New Life.  I chose the later.  Several weeks ago (in fact way back in February) when I took Coleen to the park I took a picture of a tree budding into new life that I really liked.  So for today's piece I used that photo but did some editing.

Here is the Original Photo:

This shot is SOOC with no editing.

Next I uploaded the photo to PicMonkey and did some edits.  One great thing is that you can add your own textures there so I uploaded Bonnie's texture: Dreams of Spring and then used some the editing features there and added the text.  Here is the completed photo:

That's it for this week.  Don't forget to stop by Bonnie's blog and check out the other enteries.  In a couple of week PAF will be going on "hiatus" until the fall so that Bonnie can recoup and regroup.  So be sure to show her some support and love for hosting this wonderful feature every week.


  1. Really nice, Ida! I like the texture you used! It looks entirely different from the original.

  2. Love this! Such a beautiful piece from your edits - and the text really adds to the final result.
    Thank you for linking it up to Photo Art Friday Ida, and for your kind thoughts for me.

  3. Love the photo editing you did, that blossom is perfect.

  4. Ida, I love what you did with this photo. Great processing!

  5. This is so nice. One can almost feel the softness of that little bud. The texture you added is well chosen. It's amazing what can be done with free on-line photo editing software!

  6. It's a beautiful image!

  7. I like the texture with these soft colors, very interesting.

  8. Love your texture work Ida. Beautiful photograph!

  9. Good texture to use;
    I like that the colors are intensified :)

  10. Ida this is just a lovely edit! very nice

  11. Snygg knopp som också blev snygg i din behandling. Ha de gott.

  12. What lovely effects you added! And your SOOC shot is perfect, too. :)

  13. Just wonderful...nice shot and use of texture.

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment on my blog.

    Capture Life,

  14. Ida - very much like the processing and beautiful macro to begin with. Great job. Visiting from PAF this week. Karen


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