Saturday, May 5, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - May 6, 2012

Hello,  Hope you have all had a great week and are ready to join in on the "Hunt" going on over on Ashley's blog, Ramblings and Photos.
Each week you are given 5 "Prompts" that you need to find and photograph, then post on your blog and link back on Ashley's.  It's lots of fun and at times challenging.

So up this week were the prompts:  Shadow, Keys, Smile, Unedited SOOC (Straight Out of Camera) and Fish.

SHADOW:  Miss Dottie got the rare opportunity to go outside for a few minutes today to enjoy a moment in the sun and eat some grass while I took some photo's of her shadow.
KEYS:  I have a Key Ring holder that my dad made for me many years ago.  It was up on the wall for awhile and then for some reason it got taken down.  I had hubby put it back up today and took a photo of it.  Then I did some creative editing and came up with this:
I added the quote which I really liked.  Since my dad made this for me this it's a "memory" of him and a part of the future as I will more then likely give this to Coleen as she never had the chance to know her Great-Grandpa.


Sometimes it's difficult to get a natural smile out of this kid so I decided to go with a photo thats bound to make anyone smile!

UNEDITED or SOOC (Straight Out of Camera):
Other then my copyright and the frame (which you can't see that well) this shot is Straight Out of the Camera. - It's a Wasp, Up-Close and very Personal.  I love this shot.  The look on it's face is Priceless IMHO - This is also being entered over on Nancy's Blog (A Rural Journal) for Your Sunday Best.

FISH: - This is an "archived" photo taken back in March of this year on a quick trip to McNary Dam.
I believe the fish is a Steel-Head rather then a Salmon.
Next week the prompts are:  Sidewalk, Inspiring, Time, Close-Up and With Mirror (that one sounds challenging).


  1. Love your little quotes, lovely pics Ida!! Especially smile, SO cute!!

    Happy Weekend to ya! I would LOVE for you to link your favorite photo from this week, to my little photo challenge... Finagle a Foto!!

  2. Love your kitty shot and your SOOC is amazing. Really like that fish shot, too.

  3. Great job on the wasp. Smile is fun! Have a great week.

  4. Loved your interpretations especially your shadow shot and your SOOC is fabulous! I love bug shots!

  5. Absolutely GREAT SOOC shot, Ida! I love it. :)

  6. These are all great! Love your finds! I've been to the Bonneville damn, downstreem from that dam!

  7. Well, these are all great Ida, but the wasp is an amazing, and brave, capture.

    Thank you for sharing at Your Sunday Best this week.

  8. These are all really cool pictures, can't pick a favorite.

  9. These are great, Ida! I love the shot of the wasp peering over the leaf.

  10. What a fun set! I especially like the SOOC bee. It is funny how the colors and markings on his face make him look angry. So cool. Great focus and capture!

  11. Fun quotes and excellent choices of pictures for this week's hunt. Enjoyed the smile and your sooc is outstanding.

  12. Love your shadow and key shots. The SOOC is also really cool

  13. That wasp shot is great - most people would be running the other way mind

  14. SOOC is amazing! Can't believe there was no editing done to this photo.

  15. I like smile! That's a funny face.

  16. Great set of images! The wasp...WOW...grat close-up! And yes I smiled at your daugher. My grandsons love to make faces when I take their picture!

  17. Love shadow, so cute. Great composition on sooc.

  18. Hi Ida
    I truly enjoy your photos and your sense of humor. I love the key shot, and Miss Dottie, and SOOC. all are wonderful. I couldn't stop looking at the collage of your header. It's a fabulous header and an excellent slice of your life I'm sure. happy week to you Ida.

  19. That insect shot is amazing - love that.

  20. fun, colorful and creative set!! happy hump day!!


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