Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Whatever Wednesday - May 9, 2012

Hi,  Happy "Hump" Day! - Well it's time for my weekly feature, "Whatever" Wednesday where I post photo's of whatever I want. Last week was a (Bug) edition and I promised something that wasn't quite as gross so let's get started:

I edited all the photo's on PicMonkey and added some quotes/text.

Below each photo is the actual photo SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera).

Some beautiful clouds from a few weeks ago.

This little guy was peeking over the fence one day so I snapped a picture.

This is our dog, Cricket, She doesn't get featured on her very often so I thought I'd share a photo of her.  It's hard to get her to sit still long enough to take a good shot so I was happy when I was able to snap a close-up of her "mug!"

The parking strip area of my mom's yard has a bunch of these "weeds" growing in it.  The weeds have lots of little tiny purple flowers on them.  I thought it would be neat to get a macro shot of them.

So do you think they are "weeds" or unloved flowers!

Last Up I just couldn't leave Coleen out.  We had went to the school one evening so she could shoot some baskets and play on the toys.  I snapped this photo of her hanging upside down on one of the toys.

So that's it for this week.  I have a question,  When I post "edited" photo's like these do you want to see the Originals or would you just prefer the Edited Versions?  Let me know in the comment section.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Unloved flowers for sure. Terrific post. Love the pic of the pug mug. We have one sleeping down on our sofa right now. I don't get many good pics of her either. She seems to want to get "paid" for it. lol.

  2. These are all great shots, Ida! The last ones made me really smile!

  3. Those are fantastic clouds, Ida! And the squirrel made me laugh!


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