Thursday, July 26, 2012

Flower Art Friday - July 27, 2012


Won't you join me over at LeAnne's blog for Flower Art Friday  This week LeAnne gave us an optional them of using the color Red for our entries. 

Here is my submission:

I took this shot of some Red Geraniums in my flower bed this morning.  I added Bonnie's (Pixel Dust Photo Art) texture: Dusty Rose Bokeh Overlay using Pic Monkey Hardlight 100% and erased all the texture off the Geranium blooms.

I added a quote and Sketchy Frame followed by Simple Frame to complete the piece.
I hope you enjoy it. 

Have a great weekend. 


  1. I do enjoy it, very much so. I love the intense, ripe color of a geranium and they never let us down as a seasonal bloomer. you did an excellent job Ida. Happy week to you.

  2. Beautiful! You must have a gorgeous garden!

  3. Calling by from Flower Art Friday, I did enjoy your entry, mine is also a geranium. :)

  4. Such a beautiful, sumptuous picture there, lovely composition too :)

  5. Nicely edited, Ida..I like the quote too..

  6. Very pretty. I love geraniums. To me they signal the beginning of summer. Nice use of texture. Joining you from Leanne's.

  7. What a great quote and I love your image. Beautiful red! Thanks for sharing with Flower Art Friday!

  8. Beautiful!! Love the quote you chose!

  9. Beautiful photo with beautiful colors, beautiful flowers.

  10. Lovely reds .. and the quote is just as beautiful!

  11. Lovely reds .. and the quote is just as beautiful!


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