Friday, July 27, 2012

Photo Art Friday - July 27, 2012

For my Flower Art Friday entry click on the link.

It's now time to join me for Photo Art Friday over at Pixel Dust Photo Art where today the optional theme is, Improbable Pairings.  I must admit that this one stumped me and I debated about even posting this week.  I did a piece however and will post it but let's just say it's probably not the most exciting piece I've ever post for PAF.

Yesterday I had to take my mom to the ER again in the afternoon and they released her to go home around 8:00 PM.  I spent the night at her house trying to sleep on couch cushions on the floor and have not had a lot of sleep.  So if I don't get around to all your blogs to leave comments, please forgive me.  I will try thought but I still am looking out after my mom so I may not be able to leave comments this week.

I started by finding some of Coleen's many, many stuffed animals and picked out 2 of them that I figured would be an improbable pair (Monkey and Porpoise) I took photos of them and then did some creative (?) editing.

I went to a program called, Foto Flexor and did their Pop Art Technique on this photo.  Then took it back to Pic Monkey to add the frames.  Here is my finished piece.

So there you have it.   Again it's not all the creative but I think it turned out FUN and puts a SMILE on your face.

For more awesome pieces of Photo Art visit Bonnie's Blog HERE:


  1. Such a cute, whimsical result!

  2. it looks like you had a great time creating it. looks great :)

  3. I think it's very creative! I love it!

  4. What fun! You're editing is very Warholian. Hope your Mom is doing better.


  5. What fun! You're editing is very Warholian. Hope your Mom is doing better.


  6. Actually, I liked it best before the editing because I'm a sucker for stuffed animals! They coordinated well with the blue colors and pink tongues. Hope your mom is doing better.

  7. Toward the end of the month I visit some new blogs around the world. This is the first time I did it on a photo hunt day but I came over from Maboe blog.
    I see you have a cat we have 2 Cats and a friend of our is staying with us and also her Cat.
    I'm sorry to have read about your mom. Hope all will work out for the best..prayers for you and your family.
    Years ago I also had a lot of stuff animals. My very first Christmas I got a stuff monkey and he was name chatters. Plus I did have a red dolphin and I believed it had a storage area for your P.Js....Thanks for letting me stop by and if you have a chance stop by for a cup of coffee.

  8. My heart goes out to you. I know how hard it is to watch your mother suffer. I hope she will be all right and that you will be able to spend time with her without ER visits. Your little animals are darling. I have seen the pop art versions on the editing sites but have never been able to find anything that they work well with ... this was perfect for you. Not bad for someone who has her hands full and heart heavy ... I wish you well.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  9. looks a bit like old fashioned posters. Looks great.

  10. This does make me smile! I love the summery colors!!

  11. I love your editing! Lots of colour and lots of fun :)
    Thank you for visiting too :)

  12. Wonderful, your work today is very funny, greetings.

  13. Love the edits on your improbable pair, Ida. I especially appreciate your sharing your art work after hearing of your time in the ER and on a couch. Hope your mother is better and that you have caught up on your sleep. As always, am so pleased you link up with Photo Art Friday.


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