Thursday, July 5, 2012

Flower Art Friday - July 6, 2012

Welcome - To those of you in the US I hope you all had a very safe & Happy 4th of July!  - Now it's time to join in for some awesome floral art by joining LeAnne for Flower Art Friday.

Here is my entry:

I took this shot of some flowers that were growing at the Clinic where I get my Allergy Shots.  I just love the center of this flower.  You will notice it appears above in my header as well.  The flower on the left in my header is from my own flower garden and the other two were taken at the clinic in there little garden.  I think they all look so pretty together.

Don't forget to stop by LeAnne's blog and check out the gorgeous flower art entries.


  1. Such lovely warm tones in this shot, Ida.

  2. This is so lovely Ida and your header does look so colorful!

  3. I love this Ida! The contrast, DOF, even the frame! Lovely!

  4. Lovely image and processing!

  5. I love the color of this flower! What is it?

  6. Wonderful combination of photos on the header - they go together so well. But, I especially love the cone on the center flower - it's unusual and very bold. Love the frame also!

  7. Love Love the warmth of this. Wonderful edits, too. Thanks for sharing with Flower Art Friday! :)


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