Monday, July 2, 2012

Macro Monday - July 2, 2012 The Flower and The Bee

It's been quite some time since I've done a Macro Monday so I thought I'd pop in today and join in on the fun.

I took some pictures of some pretty white flowers on a bush outside the Swimming Pool where Coleen is taking her lessons this morning.  I don't know what kind of bushes they are but I'm guessing they might be a type of Hydrangea because they look a lot like them.

 This next shot is my favorite.  It has an added bonus.  See if you can guess what it is!

Don't forget to visit Lisa's blog and check out some of the other Marco Shots. 
Have a great week.


  1. A beautiful flower and photos....It may be a lace hydrangea, but in macro, hard to tell...

  2. Is that a hydrangea? The blooms are pure white -- lovely photos, Ida. Hope you have a great holiday!


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