Thursday, July 12, 2012

Photo Art Friday - July 13, 2012

To view my Flower Art Friday entry click on the link.

It's time now to join Bonnie of Pixel Dust Photo Art for some awesome Photo Art.  This weeks optional theme was, Fencing.
Now I must admit that I thought of the sport of Fencing and how that would certainly be unexpected but alas I have no idea where I would find fencing equipment or people who practice fencing to photograph so I'm going "literal" with actual fence photos.

In fact I went a bit crazy and will be sharing 3 different Fence photos with you today.
I'll be showing my "before" photos first and then the edited versions.

First up:  Fenced by Autumn
I took this last fall on a walk around the neighborhood.  I love the lines of this fence and the strewn path of the leaves with those lovely orange trees in the background.

For my Edit I chose to crop this photo, add some brighter color (used one of the editing filters on Pixlr-o-matic for that and then used frames from Pic Monkey to complete the look I wanted.

Next up is: Spirit of the Pioneer

This is a view taken at Whitman Mission from up top the hill where the Whitman Memorial Shaft is located.  See this post:

For my edited version I did some serious Cropping until I focused on just a portion of the fence line.  Then I did some aging of the photo in Pic Monkey and ended up with this:

The trail you see in front of the fence line is an actual portion of the Oregon Trail.

Finally: Fence in the Shadows:
  I think you'll see why I titled this photo after you see the edited version.
I shot this picture of some fencing on one of the buildings located in downtown
Walla Walla.  I thought it was rather interesting.

For this piece I used one of Bonnie's textures:  Mauve Threads and some edits on Pic Monkey - Oh how I love working on photo's there.  So many different things you can do.  Again the photo was cropped and frames/aging were added along with a quote.

So which is your favorite? - I think mine may be the last one but my husband thinks the Pioneer Fence was the most dramatic change.

Don't forget to pop on over to Bonnie's blog and check out all the other great photo art.
Have a wonderful day.


  1. Beautiful photos, Ida! I love the one of the split rail fence! Gorgeous1

  2. Hello! The last piece of art is my favourite. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS FENCING :)

  3. Love that last image, - well composed and great quote!

  4. Ida, I can see you had fun with these! My favorite is the second, followed by the first image. The last is third, but only because I'm not that big a fan of text on images. I do love how you found a cool fence up on a building!

  5. I love that end result there Ida, very cool effect :)

  6. I'm with you. The last one is the most dramatic...however the prairie fencing has a different aura to it. Love all the photos. Very creative.

  7. This is wonderful. I love your edits. You added such character to your fencing ... not an easy thing to do with a fence, after all. Enjoyed your post ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. Great job on these! I love the old fence in the second one. I'm a very nostalgic person and love anything old! But, I also love the dramatic difference in the last one!

  9. Love the wrought iron and split rail fences! Nice edits.

  10. Ida these are all very interesting. I love that first one and the fencing drew me right to the house behind and made me wonder more about what was behind the fence. Also really liked your processing on the fencing from above. Lovely! I also thought about people fencing, but .... no one I do does any fencing... so... Very nice work here.

  11. all of your edited photos are wonderful !

  12. Great images - interesting composition too. BTW your cat looks very much like mine :)

  13. I especially love the first two shots, the dividing line of fence, the touch or ornate and the orange tree in the background.

  14. Ida, great minds think alike - when I first saw the word "fencing", I also thought of the sport! lol.

    I love what you did with your fence photos...lovely processing on every one! I think I like your last one the best - the black and white effect on top of the processing makes it very striking. Beautiful work - thank you for sharing! Have a great weekend~ :)

  15. Beautiful photos. I love how you left with the texture of emvejecimiento. Greetings.

  16. Beautiful photos. I love how you left with the texture of aging. Greetings.

  17. you have made a gret job with your shots. They are all good. :)

  18. I agree with you, Ida,- my favorite is the last one. Great editing!

  19. Absolutely wonderful collection of images. Your enthusiasm is an inspiration. I love your work.

  20. I have not participated in Scavenger Hunt Sunday for quite awhile..but wanted to see what was going on your petal photo, fresh, and "8"..I love the work you did with the fence photo...very good editing, Ida!

  21. I think these are all great!! If I had to choose a fav it would probably be the one of the Oregon Trail...I love the way you processed that one!

  22. Gorgeous fences!!! I love the variety - great captures.

  23. Such amazing work here. I love knowing what came BEfore and seeing your AFTERs. Very inspiring!!

  24. What a great collection! I love the way you created such different effects on each one. I think my favourite is the middle one.


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