Saturday, July 14, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - July 15, 2012

It's time for the "Hunt" and guess who's back!  Yep, Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) is once again hosting the hunt.  A big thanks to Sarah Halstead for taking over for a few weeks after Ashly had her baby.
This weeks Prompts were: Water, Petal, Fresh, Eight, and Calm.

So are you ready to get started...

WATER:  - I had planned to use a totally different photo for this prompt but then at the last minute I decide to go with this one.

This little fountain is in the courtyard area of the Clinic where I get my allergy shots.  Coleen always wants to toss pennies in and if you look closely you can see a few pennies in the top level of the fountain.

For this prompt I took bunches of flower photos which all of course had petals in them but I wanted to focus on just a single petal so I went with this shot that I took the other night while sitting out in our driveway. 
Piglet, the cat we take care of was laying in the driveway and this petal off my Clematis  was nearby and he started playing with it.  I snapped a shot and thought it worked pretty well for the prompt.

One of the great things about living where I do is that there is always "Fresh" local fruit to enjoy in the summer.  This is a Blackberry Dessert made with fresh blackberries and fresh out of the oven.
It's delicious and the recipe can be found here:
although it uses raspberries but you can substitute the blackberries and it works just as well.  You might want to add just a little more sugar to the recipe (I mixed some into the blackberries) then it calls for since they are tarter then raspberries.

EIGHT: This one stumped me a little because I didn't want to just take a picture of 8 objects and yet I wanted something that showcased the number.  I happened to be looking through my photos from this week when I noticed this one and knew it would be perfect for the prompt.

Coleen is practicing her dives and just happened to be in Lane 8 in the pool!

This is one of our cats, Harley looking mighty calm there in that window.  He loves sleeping there in the sunshine.

So that's it for this week.  Don't forget to pop in and check out the other participants entries and see what they came up with for the prompts.  Have a great day. 


  1. Your Petal shot is nice. Made me smile.

  2. Oh Ida! You got such an incredible set this week, love LoVe them all. And I can't believe, how lucky of her to be in lane eight!!

  3. What a perfect idea for eight, Ida, and I love your calm kitty shot.

  4. What a perfect shot for eight, Ida, and I love your calm kitty shot.

  5. Excellent photos, Ida! The sleeping cat cracked me up! No worries, eh?

  6. These are all wonderful, Ida! Love that fountain and that cobbler looks amazing!

  7. Love your new header! Great set, you nailed each prompt!

  8. Love the fountain! The sound of trickling water is always so relaxing!! Also love the "8" shot!!

  9. Your blackberry dessert looks so good! And I really love the flowers in your blog header! So lovely.

  10. Oh my gosh, Ida. I love what you come up with for your scavenger hunt photos - especially your granddaughter swimming in lane 8 - how perfect is that!

  11. Ida, you did it again...a great line-up. That berry dessert looks delicious!! And your kitties really know how to relax. Your #8 is truly creative!!

  12. Great photos for this week! I want a little bit of that fresh!

  13. Okay, so I need one of those cinnamon rolls right now! xo

  14. Great shots as always Ida!! Thanks for that awesome looking recipe too! My raspberries are ready to be picked and I think this will be the perfect way to serve them!

  15. I love that shot for petal - and no claws out either :O) Your kitty for calm is gorgeous too!

  16. I really love "Calm" - cats do it so well!

  17. Calm is a great shot!!!!so cute.

  18. Love the way your "8" worked out for you!

  19. Great pictures. Love your water and that picture of CALM is how I wish I felt more often. The river in my water is the south fork of the Boise river. Thanks

  20. Nice shots - Fresh makes my mouth water!

  21. That 'fresh' dessert looks amazing!! ;)

  22. That 'fresh' dessert looks amazing!! ;)

  23. Oh my goodness...I love your interpretation for calm!

  24. Great set - I especially like eight.

  25. I love how your creative spirit shines through. I especially like petal and calm.

  26. I love how your creative spirit shines through. I especially like petal and calm.

  27. Awww, I feel more calm just looking at Harley. And how perfect is the photo of Colleen for "eight"! Really love the single petal with the fuzzy kitty part -- is that a paw? Too sweet!

  28. Great set! Loved your fresh shot and eight!!!


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