Thursday, July 19, 2012

Photo Art Friday - July 20, 2012

To view my Flower Art Friday entry click on the link.

Now it's time to join Bonnie for Photo Art Friday over at Pixel Dust Photo Art.  As always there is an open theme for any piece of photo art or an optional theme.  This week the focus was on "Light" that wows you in a photo.

I've chosen 3 different pieces that all show light in a particular theme.
We've had a lot of Thunderstorms lately in our area and some very spectacular looking skies.  So without further ado here are my 3 pieces. (No before shots as these are pretty much SOOC with a few minor edits.)  I'm going to place them in order of my favorites.

#3:  Peachy Clouds:

This shot was taken out our backdoor looking West as the sun was setting.  I just love the light from the sun bathing the sky in that glorious peach color.

                                                                                                                                    #2:  Beams From Heaven

Same view here from the West on a different night.  Aren't the rays of sunlight beaming from these clouds awesome.

#1:  Clouds of Glory:

This shot was taken out our front door looking to the East.  Believe it or not the light on the clouds is SOOC - I just edited to add the antique looking frame.  I love this photo a lot.

So please be sure to tell me in your comments which was your favorite.

Don't forget to pop into the other blogs links and check them out.
Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Your third image is especially poignant.
    Stay inspired!

  2. the processing for the last picture is truly wonderful. such a great light in this picture!!!

  3. Beams From Heaven - stunning light and what the powerful image. Looks very good.

  4. They're all fantastic, but I would have to choose the third one as my favorite if forced. I love those clouds!

  5. all amazing - I like the 3rd best

  6. These are glorious!!! The middle one is exceptional in terms of the capture of light. It really 'wowed' me! Thank you for sharing these with Photo Art Friday, Ida.

  7. I am caught between the second and the third. The second one, the light beams through the cloud above the others, is a very unusual and spititual view. I have see light beams through the clouds before, but nothing like this. Then the third one is breathtaking ... beautiful and unique. You captured and edited minimally some beauties. And, how lucky are you to be having thunderstorms ... send some my way if you get the chance, though we did finally get a good rain two nights ago. Great job Ida ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. Hi Ida,

    All three shots are gorgeous! This is a tough one, but I guess I would have to say I like the pink clouds the best. Wonderful images.

  9. Hi Ida, They are all nice shots, but I guess I like the second and third shot best. The rays of sunlight in the second shot are very dramatic and I like the fuffy, peachy-colored clouds in the last shot.

  10. Wow! Amazing skies you've managed to "capture." The peach-toned clouds are so warm and soothing; Beams From Heaven looks like a heavenly sign for sure; and the third beauty reminds me of a sky from a Maxfield Parish painting. All lovely in their own way. My favourite would be the second one "Beams..." because of its drama and symbolic aspect.

  11. These are gorgeous, light-filled sky shots!

  12. I especially love this second and third photo. I love love love those light rays when the beam down out of the sky. You did a great job capturing that! Also, the colors on the third photo are awesome. I love clouds like this

  13. So beautiful photos! Love the rays of sunlight beaming from the clouds!

  14. Great captures of the sky, I think I like the middle one best, those beams of light are awesome!

  15. These are all breathtaking shots. The second one made me go "ooooh!"

  16. Great photos! I love the frame you added to the third picture. However, I'm a sucker for sunlight beams, so the second is my favorite!

  17. What lovely shots...the last one is my absolute favorite! Wow! The light on those clouds is spectacular...what a great capture! Thanks for sharing, Ida - have a great weekend! :)

  18. the last one is my favourite. Love the yellow on top of the cloud. :)

  19. three good light examples Ida; I especially like the second one

  20. Wonderful and spectacular skies, I love with these delicious clouds. Greetings.

  21. They're all beautiful! I don't think I can pick a favourite.

  22. I love photographing the clouds. You've done a fabulous job here. The second and third photos are simply awesome! Thanks for sharing.

  23. Oh my gosh, hard choice here as they are all fantastic but after going between the 2nd and 3rd shots for a while, I've decided the 2nd shot is my fave with a very close runner up for 3rd. x

  24. All of them are spectacular! I'm a sucker for a pink sky though!

  25. They are amazing. I like the first and second ones both.

  26. Love that third one! Gorgeous!

  27. You captured the beginnings of a thunderstorm beautifully...we had them here but I was without my camera...

  28. This are beautiful. The middle one is spectacular.

  29. I love both your second and third photos, each is special.

  30. The last one is my favourite, too, Ida, but they are all great shots.

  31. These are all just breathtaking. It feels like I am Right There, seeing them.


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