Saturday, July 21, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - July 22, 2012

Welcome! - It's time to join me for Scavenger Hunt Sunday.
Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) is the host for the hunt and she has some darling photos this week so be sure to check them out.

This weeks prompts are:
Wrapped, Time Together, Tell Me a Story, Love/Couple and Duplicated.

WRAPPED:  I had something different planned for this prompt but it didn't work out (at least not for this prompt) so instead I'm sharing this sweet photo of Coleen all wrapped up in blankets and a sheet (that were waiting to be folded) watching TV this morning.

                                                                                                                                TIME TOGETHER:

This is our cat, Miss Dottie who likes to wrap herself around my neck and ride on my shoulders.  I decided to take a photo of us for the prompt but when the camera started making the beeping sound before the shutter goes off she turned and stared right at the camera so you can't really see her wrapped around my shoulders that well.  Instead this became our "time together."  She's a very affectionate cat, sometimes she's a big "Pest" about spending time together but I love her.

                                                                                                                                 TELL ME A STORY: - (This is my only archived photo this week) but it's only about a month old so I really don't consider it to archived.
This was taken on our visit to the Whitman Mission.  You can see the Story Board next to Greta and Coleen and several more below on the trails around the grounds that help tell the story about the Whitman's and the Indians.  Greta is also telling Coleen a story by pointing out to her various things about the area.

                                                                                                                       LOVE/COUPLE: - I wanted something different for this shot so I give you this couple:

These Metal figures are on the corner of a local Muffler Shop and are made out of Mufflers and Car Parts.  The woman use to be naked on the top until people protested and they painted on the clothes.  There are several other figures here (you can see a boy and his dog next to the couple)and you can purchase Metal art from the person who created this fun couple as well.
Don't they look happy and in "love" with each other. Come on they are holding hands after all!

Look at all that yummy Salmon duplicated there on those wooden poles.

Today was the annual Rotary Club Salmon bake and we had tickets to attend.  The company Mike works for always supplies them to employees and their families which is really nice since the tickets run $20 per adult.  - The Salmon is delicious though and cooked much like the Native Indians cooked it many years ago using large fire pits and staking the salmon on wooden poles over the fire pit.  I seriously doubt they had metal poles to put the wooden poles into back then but you get the general idea of how the Salmon was cooked.

So that's it for this weeks hunt.  Join us again next week.  If you'd like to join in on the hunt here are the prompts for next week:  Paint, Green, Eye Lashes, Shapes and Clouds.

Gosh I just had a great post on Friday featuring Clouds...looks like I'll have to break out the old camera again this coming week and look for some new cloud formations.

Thanks for your visit.  Have a wonderful week.


  1. Great shots, Ida! Very nice choices for the scavenger hunt! The duplicated one could be difficult, but you pulled it off nicely.

  2. I really like your story shot and would love to taste that salmon. Fun couple, too.

  3. These are so perfect, Ida! Love the tell me a story and couple!

  4. The muffler people are cute -- and smoked salmon sounds and looks very good.

  5. Oh my goodness, that is such a funny photo of you and your kitty.

  6. Really, really a great line-up this week, Ida. Cute Coleen, cute kitty wrapped around your shoulders, and those tin people made me smile. A naked tin lady? she looks better with clothes on.

  7. Okay - the boobies on the muffler mom are a HooT!

    Fun set of shots this week!

  8. Lots of great photos this week. I really enjoyed seeing them. I love that sweet kitty thats around your neck.. Too cute..

  9. Beautiful pictures, I love the light and how you captured the happiness on their faces. Greetings.

  10. That "robot" couple is so unique - well done!

  11. great set...very cute family photo's!!

    and that salmon sounds so yummy!!

  12. Your photos are great....nice job!!! The first is my favorite.

  13. I love how your cat likes to be on your shoulders. How trusting!

  14. Great pics! Love your Dottie kitty. She's so sweet. She could hug on me anytime she wants to.


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