Thursday, July 5, 2012

Photo Art Friday - July 6, 2012

Hello and Happy Friday!  It's time to join Bonnie over on Pixel Dust Photo Art for this weeks edition of PAF.  As always any piece of photo art can be displayed or you can choose from an optional theme.  This week that was: Architecture.

I love Walla Walla as it's a very old community - We just celebrated 150 years as an incorporated town/city.  You know there has got to be some great architectural elements in a town that old.  I happened to be walking downtown a couple of weeks ago and took a shot of the corner of one of the local banks in town.  I love all the curlicues and such on this building and hope you like my piece of Photo Art showcasing it.

For this piece I first cropped the original photo (see below).  Then I edited in Pic Monkey using Bonnie's Texture,
Etched in Stone, Hard light 100%.

I added the fuzzy edge to the photo on Gimp then went back to add the frames on Pic Monkey.

Please stop in at Pixel Dust Photo Art to check out the other participants art work. 

Have a terrifice weekend.


  1. I love it! I have became addicted to adding texture to pictures of old buildings.

  2. Ida, a great photograph and edit.

  3. Excellent example of beautiful architectural details. Nice find, and interesting editing.

  4. I am with you ... I love old buildings as you will see if you visit my post. Beautiful job on the editing. You are using things I am not familier with, like gimp, very interesting and effective.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  5. Beautiful Edit, and I think it brings out the details in the architecture!

  6. I love the texture you used !

  7. Ida this is such a fascinating capture of this structure. I also love these old buildings, and the architecture is so interesting. Love how you have processed this too!

  8. I love how you antiqued your photo, great job. Wish I was walking around Walla Walla with you.

  9. I do love the way you processed this! It makes it look so very old! It's a very beautiful building. I need to get closer to some of architect around here instead of the whole building.

  10. I love it, very good texture. Wonderful.

  11. This came out really good! I especially love the texture, and the colors in the final image.

  12. fabulous example of architecture, great capture and fantastic rendering!

  13. Hello and thank you for stopping by. I see you have quite the eye too for photography, amazing photos you have there.

    I see you have some furry members of the family too and that Harley looks like he is bad to the bone in a good way.

    GOD bless and keep you all safe. I became a follower.

  14. it's beautiful edited and unedited!!

    i just love me some old buildings!!

    have a wonderful weekend!!

  15. Very nice edit! And I love the architecture.

    Have a great weekend!

  16. Yes, I liked this very much! Wonderful architectural details, and your editing supplied the little extra for the "right" expression!
    Have a nice summer:)

  17. The photograph is great and your edit does not disappoint!!! Thank you for linking up with PAF, Ida.

  18. Oh what a wonderful building and your texture work is terrific!!

  19. Byggnaden ser mer äldre ut på den med texturen. Snyggt.

  20. This building takes on the aged look a fine old European building. A really beautiful edit Ida.

    Although I would rather be photographing Walla Walla with you it is great to see you again this week.

  21. Oh I love the blanket flower in your header!!! I wish I could get them to come back but when they die off that's it for them. Thanks for coming by and saying hello!!!

  22. You did an excellent job of using Bonnie's textures, but the shot of the cornice of the building is what is complimented so nicely here..


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