Sunday, July 1, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - July 1, 2012

Wow can you belive it's July already!          It's time once again to join me as we go on a "Scavenger Hunt Sunday" expedition to find the following prompts:   Sunset, Sweet, Hanging Around, Funny Face and Space.

SUNSET: - This is just a slightly archieved photo (6-8-12). I was outside one evening when I noticed that the sky was all a glow with oranges and pinks so I rushed in and grabbed my camera.  I hurried down the block to try and get a better view but of course with power lines all over that's hard to do.  Still I think this was a glorious sunset.  There was even a "rainbow" in the midst of the clouds but sadly the photo's I managed to take of the rainbow just didn't turn out that well.

SWEET:  I was going to share a different photo today for    this prompt but caught this sweet moment yesterday of Coleen and her Grandpa watching television together so instead of, Strawberry Pie you get this sweet moment,

HANGING AROUND:  This one was a bit tougher then some of the others.  I had several ideas but ended up going with this shot,

We have a lot of clover in our yard and some has found it's way into my flower beds and of course the Bee's love to "Hang Around" on the clover!

FUNNY FACE:  - I have Coleen to thank for this shot.  We were driving to the grocery story one afternoon when she said, "Grandma how did they get that face into the bush?"  I'm like, "What bush?" - She told me she would show me on our way back.
So on the way back she pointed this out and I just had to stop and take a picture. 

I've driven past this house everyday and never noticed this face cut out of the bush in this yard so, "Thank You Coleen for being so observant."

SPACE: - This was probably the hardest of the prompts for me so I hope you understand my perception of the prompt.

We took a trip back down to McNary Dam to see if the Salmon were running yet and on the way home decided to stop at Hat Rock Park.  Coleen and I hiked the trail up to the rock and on the way back down I snapped this shot of some of the countryside where there is a lot of wide-opened "Space."

ETA:  I just found out that Ashley had her baby so the Linky feature is on Sarah Halstead's blog this week.

The link isn't up yet on Ashley's blog but I'm sure if you check back later it will be and then you can check out the other entries.


  1. Nice job with the prompts! Beautiful sunset! I didn't have time to get mine done this week. Oh, well..

  2. Great entries, Ida! The sky in the first photo is beautiful and the scenery in the last is gorgeous! The bush made me laugh...not something I'd have, but still funny!

  3. Love that sunset!! Such a gorgeous pink sky! And that is a very silly face!
    ps- the link up is at Sarah Halstead's blog today!

  4. Great set today! Beautiful colors in the sunset!! I love the bush!! What a good eye Colleen has!! Also, love your wide open spaces; what a gorgeous scene! I'm glad you mentioned that the linky is not up. I thought I'd missed something!

  5. oh your interpretations of SHS words is right-on. Your daughter will treasure having such a loving pic of she & her grandpa... very FUNNY FACE, indeed.

  6. You know- those power lines make great leading lines there. Beautiful colors.

  7. I really liked your space shot! Gorgeous!

  8. That sunset is beautiful. I love it when the skies turn that beautiful pinkish/coral color. Nice capture. And your little Coleen came through again finding your subjects. Fun. And what a precious pic of she and her grandpa.

  9. Oh, my gosh, you got the perfect photo for Funny Face! Good eye, Colleen! Love the Hanging Around, too, and the Space. And it's hard to go wrong with a beautiful sunset. Colleen and her grandpa are the very essence of sweetness. Great photos, Ida!

  10. awwww i just love hanging around, that picture is priceless!!

    your sunset is WoW....but could someone please take down those wires, girls tryin' to get a picture!! hehe

    great week for you and i enjoyed every shot!!

  11. Great set. Such a pretty sunset, and sweet is so touching. Love hanging around, nice capture!

  12. Ida, I love your sweet shot and your space is simply gorgeous. I snapped some bees hanging around my clover yesterday too. Hope you have a great week.

  13. Great photos. That sunset is gorgeous!!!

  14. The colors in your Sunset shot are so beautiful!!

    Hanging Around --such a sweet, sweet shot. :)

  15. Wonderful take on the themes. Cheers


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