Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Whatever" Wednesday - The Hat Rock Edition

Hello and Welcome.  - Today I am sharing a few pictures from a little trip that I took with my mom and Coleen down to McNary Dam.  These pictures are actually from our return trip home where we decided to take a little detour and head into Hat Rock State Park.

This is Hat Rock - Do you see a "Hat" when you look at this picture? - Well apparently so did explorers, Lewis and Clark as they documented this rock from their exploration.

Click on image to enlarge. - You can see the rock formation in the upper left corner of this photo and then below there is an image of a hat that was popular during that time period.  See the resemblance.

This is a close up view of the rock. - Years ago you could hike up to the rock and even climb on it.  Now it's all fenced off and climbing is prohibited.  There is an awesome view of the river and surrounding country side as you hike up to the rock.

Along the way you will see Wildflowers and Native Grass.

There is an RV park complete with a Swimming Pool and Horseback Riding along with Picnic Areas as well. - I didn't get pictures of those areas nor any of the stunning homes that have been built near the park as we drove around.  It was worth driving in to view the park area and it had been years since I'd been there.

Have a great day.


  1. Thanks for the trip to Hat Rock. That's a cool formation. Reminds me of Devil's Tower in Wyoming.

  2. Your photos are really amazing, Ida. Did you get a new camera or lens? Love the flower and also the flag photo of Colleen below. xo

  3. What an interesting rock, and it certainly looks just like the shape of that hat. Love reading the Lewis and Clark journals. Such an amazing read. Will have to look for this!

  4. Cool rock formation! Love your shots of the grasses!

  5. What a great place - and lovely photos. I love that one of the grasses.

  6. It does look like a hat! Gorgeous shots, Ida! I love the photos of the grass! Beautiful!


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