Monday, July 9, 2012

Macro Monday & a little 4th of July Magic

Hi! - Well first up I want to share my 4th of July Flag Magic photo with you.  I read about this on Ashley Sisk's blog as she had a Tutorial on how to create this type of photo.  You can find it HERE:  Oh and while you are there be sure to check out her post for today and see the adorable pictures of her new baby, Felicity!

Since I don't have PSE (Photo Shop Elements) I wasn't sure I could pull this off.  I tried following the tutorial in Gimp and almost had it but not quite.  Still need practice.
So then I decided to head over to Pic Monkey and see if I could possibly get the same result there by using my flag image as an overlay and erasing out the areas that I didn't want.  Voila~ it worked!

It may not be quite as good as what you can do in PSE or even Gimp but it's pretty darn close and I love how it turned out.  So did Coleen.

Now let's head on over to Lisa's Chaos for Macro Monday. 
 I haven't been participating as much as I'd like to so I'm happy that I have something to share today. 

I saw a Dragonfly the other day and was hoping it would land so that I could snap a photo of it.  I noticed that while it was flying there appeared to be more then one dragonfly.  They finally landed and I was able to snap a couple of photos.  It's not the best Macro shot but I couldn't get any closer without them flying again.  Besides as I researched this I discovered that I caught a very "intimate" moment as these two were mating!

Okay I have to admit that these photo's "creep me out" a little.  This looks like something from a bad sci-fi movie.  At first I thought maybe the Dragon fly was shedding it's skin until I looked up Dragonfly mating rituals.  This formation is known as,  the "wheel" formation and they can keep this position while in flight.  If you want to know more you can read about this ritual HERE:

Quite frankly,  I'm so glad that I wasn't born a female dragonfly!  Ick.....

Have a great Monday and be sure to check out the entries on Lisa's blog for Macro Monday awesomeness.


  1. You did a great job with that, Ida! I've seen several of these the past few days. Nice macros...I wasn't creeped out at all. :-)

  2. Those look like Damselflies! Awesome shot!

  3. Love your "flag" photo. Ashley's little one is so precious!

  4. You did a great job- I didn't know you could do that in Pic Monkey.

  5. whoa, learn something every day, huh? I see a heart like a wheel...
    their color is very pretty and I'm glad they were mating because more of them would be just fine by me. great captures Ida. and what you did with the flag face image is awesome! happy Tuesday to you.

  6. i think that overlay is amazing and it turned out perfect no matter what you used. Also great photos of those dragonflies. They are so hard to catch in your lens!

  7. Excellent series of photos. Yes, I love them all.

  8. Great captures of the dragonflies. I like the flag photo. Nice work.


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