Friday, August 31, 2012

Orange You Glad It's Friday - August 31, 2012

                                                                      There is a new Meme out now over on Sarah's blog (Hood Photos) called, "Orange You Glad It's Friday" where you can feature Sarah's favorite color....ORANGE!  - I missed last week which was the very first week but I'm in today with this photo of some pre-Autumn foliage that I took up at Bennington Lake last week.

I love Autumn and the changing of the colors on the trees so I had to snap this photo.  I love the play of sun on the leaf and the muted background.  I thought about adding a "texture" to the photo and then decided to just leave it as it was SOOC.

While I love fall I'm a bit sad this year to see summer starting to come to an end.  Can't quite put my finger on it yet but I think it's due to the fact that I really dread what follows fall (winter) and I'm so not looking forward to that.  I'm just not a lover of cold, ice and snow.

Be sure to pop by Sarah's blog and check out all the wonderful glorious "Orange" and have a happy Friday!


  1. Changing leaf colors already! While I love the beauty of autumn, I am a bit sad to see summer coming to an end already! So pretty! Thanks for coming by and sharing with us at "Orange You Glad It's Friday"!

    Hood Photo Blog

  2. Not quite ready for the change, but your photo is lovely♫♪

  3. Oh beautiful "orange" leaf. It's so early for fall to be making it's appearance, but it's doing it here as well. I think it is because of the dry summer. Love your new pic...!!

  4. Can't wait for the wonderful colors. Thanks for visiting.

  5. Beautiful autumn leaf photo.
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. You were right, that lovely orange leaf didn't need any embellishment!! :)

  7. Beautiful. I feel the same way about summer ending.

  8. I love your choice of composition for the new meme.

  9. Hello Ida,
    wonderful leave, it's color of fall!
    Wish you a nice weekend

  10. I love fall, too. It's funny how something like a leaf can bring up the very feelings of fall! There aren't too many leaves changing here in the low desert, though - but I can go to Walmart and tell that fall is right around the corner! LOL

  11. Autumn is my favorite season. It's not here yet...still Indian summer. Our winters aren't as severe as yours so I'm really looking forward to seeing leaves like the ones you posted (and colder temps). Thanks for stopping by!


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