Saturday, September 1, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - Sept. 2, 2012

Oh my where did summer go? - School starts here on Tuesday and so does the Bowling League I belong to.  While I'm looking forward to bowling again and having the house to myself during most of the day I'm still a little sad to leave summer behind. 

So to cheer myself up and hopefully you as well let's get started on a Scavenger Hunt.
Join me over on Ashley's blog, Ramblings and Photos for this weeks hunt.

This weeks prompts were:  Candid, Toys, Any of the 5 Senses,
Batteries and Half.

I want to say that I think that I had the most fun with these prompts then I've had since I first started participating.  I also want to warn you that I got a little creative this week and also used a little of my "warped" sense of humor on one of the  

Without further adieu let's get started.

CANDID - Here is one of the dictionary definitions of this word: informal; unposed: a candid photo.  -  I've always thought too that it meant the subject of said photo didn't realize a photo was being taken.  At any rate when I caught my daughter asleep on her bed one afternoon with her phone on her chest I couldn't resist snapping this candid shot of her.  I'd say she certainly wasn't posing for me and was totally unaware that I was taking her picture.     

                                                                                                                 TOYS:                                                                                                                   Now here is where the "warped" sense of humor comes in.  I asked Coleen to bring some of her toys downstairs and play with them so I could get a picture of her playing.  Somewhere along the line I decided to snap some photos of the toys that she had dumped on the floor and then I got this crazy notion to take this picture:    
I know, I know but I couldn't help myself!  It also happens to be my favorite shot of the prompts that I took for this week.                                                                            Any of the 5 SENSES - I chose Touch.  Again this could be considered a little warped as well.  Especially after my husband said it looked a little gross at first glance and then my mother said she thought it look a little like a "butt"  at first glance.    
It's actually my fingers squishing some biscuit dough.  - Maybe they are the one's with warped senses of humor!                                                                                                                   BATTERIES:  I had fun with this one.  I have this box filled with somewhat used batteries.  Before I started buying the long last Lithium batteries for my camera I went through cheeper batteries like crazy for some reason.  They were still good enough though to be used in the computer mouse or clocks I saved them.  I decided to build a little pyramid on the floor and roll a ball into the batteries like bowling but none of those photos were what I wanted.  Then I discovered I'd taken this shot of the batteries and I liked how it turned out.    
The batteries are on the floor laid out in rows and I took the shot at a sideways angle.  It makes them look as if they are growing out the side of a wall., Cool huh?

HALF:  Okay this one was a bit trickier.  I didn't want to take a picture of half of something that I was eating and then I remembered that I had something in our refrigerator that would be different for the prompt.  After taking a few pictures of it, one of the cats decided to get in on the act and that's how this photo came to be.

Half and Half with half of Snickers face eye-balling the carton.

That's it for this week.  Don't forget to pop over to Ashley's blog and check out the other participants. 


  1. your interpretations are quirky! but I like it... that TOY shot was the "best"...

  2. haha! Does your daughter know about the photo yet? Love the battery shot! Cool angle!

  3. Oh my word, toys is just hilarious! Happy back to school and bowling!

  4. These are great! Laughed right out loud at the toys shot. The battery shot is genius! But of course, being a cat lover, the last one stole my heart! 2 perfect. Two wonderful halves in that image!

  5. lol! especially like the 'half' shot.

  6. Love your take on these. Great sense of humor! The toys shot made me laugh. Glad you had fun with these. Have a laughter filled week ahead Ida!

  7. The Barbie leg in the aliigator's mouth is funny! Love that.

  8. I thought your senses shot was mashed potatoes!

  9. Ha ha. Love the toys photo. I am sad to see Summer go but glad it will start cooling down a little bit.

  10. I love all your shots this week. They each made me laugh. I particularly like your "half" shot. Great capture with the cat in the background. Good job!

  11. Interesting what happens when you simply "dump" things out: voila Barbie getting her leg bit by an alligator--great fun, Ida!

  12. Well, Ida, you sure did have some fun with this set, didn't you. Love your toys shot and Snickers and the cream.

  13. Love your half photo with your cat peeking in!

  14. Hahaha, I love what you did with the prompts! Great one for Toy, especially. :)

  15. Nice shots, Ida - Love your take on Toys!

  16. Who says adults don't have fun? Lol. Liked seeing this side of you Ida.

  17. You started my day ith a your creativity with your Toy photo :). Have a great week!

  18. Oh, Ida, these are wonderful! I love the sense of fun in all of them!! :)

  19. Laughing at several of your interpretations! :) These are great! I loved your "half" shot.

  20. Oh, and I also love your blog header. Beautiful work!

  21. Great perspective on your batteries!!!

  22. I had to laugh when I saw your take on toys :)

  23. I love the alligator photo, but I think my favorite was the half and half with Snickers looking on.


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