Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Whatever" Wednesday - Random Photo Edition

Hello and Welcome. - It's time for my "Whatever" Wednesday photo session.  Today I'm just sharing some "random" photo's that I've taken this summer.  I've added captions to the photo's just for fun.  I hope you enjoy them.

One of the beautiful lilies that bloomed in my flower bed this summer.

Coleen spotted this little grasshopper hanging around the side of the house one afternoon and asked me to take a picture of it.

I'm always spotting these "lucky charms" in our yard.

Water from a fountain located downtown.

Some type of a bee I photographed one day.  I like this photo mainly because of the motion of the wings.

Lastly I couldn't resist this photo of Coleen and her Milkweed Wish.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.- It's going to be another HOT day here but it looks to be cooling down next week,  Hooray!!!


  1. I like your pictures! You're capturing the small details of life and nature. Love the one of the bee.

  2. I wish I could get these close-ups! The water splashing is great!
    Karen from

  3. Nice collection of photos! Glad you decided to post them.


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