Friday, August 3, 2012

Photo Art Friday - August 3, 2012

For Flower Art Friday click on the link.

Hello and Welcome. - It's Friday which means it's time to join me for some awesome Photo Art over on Pixel Dust Photo Art where Bonnie has given us the optional theme of using,
Doors in our art pieces.

It's been a bit of a busy week here so I didn't get out to find some interesting doors to photograph so instead I decided to do a small collage of doors from our own house and see what I could do with them.

Here is my piece,  Click to enlarge.

After I had my collage complete I added a texture to the left door only.  Then added the Daguerreotype  frame, the quote and the Museum Matte frame. 
Just in case you are wondering about the doors in the collage.  The left door is the door to my Stamping/Craft room.  The wall hanging on the door is very special to me as it was a gift from my dad. 

The top right hand door is on the back part of our house where we have a little storage room.  What's funny about that door is that one day the County Assessor was by and asked me if we had a law practice in our home.  I assured him that in spite of what the door says we don't run a law practice out of our home.  I mean come on, you can see that the door actually leads outside into our back yard and if he'd looked inside the room itself he would have noted that there certainly weren't any indications of a law practice going on in that room.  The door just happened to be one my hubby picked up off of some construction job he was working on and since we needed a door to the storage room that's what he used!

The middle door is Coleen's bedroom door.  We just painted her room earlier this year and those are the colors she picked out.  I like that she hung her pink hat on the door knob.

Lastly I had to include the Refrigerator Door, it's probably the most used door in the house!

So that's it for this week.  I hope you've enjoyed this little journey into the doors that make up parts of my world.

Don't forget to join in by viewing the other entries on Bonnie's blog or even giving it a go yourself.  Take care and have a great weekend.


  1. beautiful collage with a wonderful quote! so true!

  2. Lovely work, with special meaning to you!

  3. I like your door collage. I love the story about the tax collector and your law office door - funny!

  4. Really like how you have processed this Ida!

  5. What a wonderful way to document pieces of your home. So ... you do legal consultations in your backyard along with all the other things you do!

    Thanks for sharing your work with PAF, Ida. Have a great weekend.

  6. Love your post and your processing of the doors! I especially LOVE the door from the lawyer's office! what a great reclaimed treasure that is!

  7. An interesting collection of door pictures. I liked the story about the assessor!

  8. I love your doors!! Such an awesome collection. I had to laugh about your story of the law offices' door - it's pretty obvious, isn't it?
    Collen's door is great - my daughter would love that!

  9. Very pieceful and warm work of art collage. The poem is so great!


  10. What a great collection of doors! And you didn't even have to leave home to find them! I love your collage.

  11. Mycket intressant det du beskriver om dina dörrar. Hoppas det är något i kylskåpet.Ha de gott i helgen.

  12.   Very good composition, excellent texture .... I like those colors. Beautiful photos.

  13. Aww, I loved getting a door tour! That quote is lovely...and I think it's awesome that you have that "law practice" door that leads outside. What a great conversation piece! lol

    Thanks for much for sharing this collage with its wonderful processing. Have a great weekend!

  14. Love the doors and your stories about them!
    Great one about the law office :)

  15. very pretty collection of doors!!

    nice quote!!

  16. What interesting doors you have. Mine are just white!!
    Love that quote Ida.


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