Friday, September 7, 2012

Orange You Glad It's Friday #3

Welcome! - Well this post has taken me FOREVER to get up and running.  I had it all ready to go but wanted to include a link to my other blog and somehow after I finished the post for the other blog I ended up deleting the original post for this blog so had to start all over again.  Plus I've had 4 different phone calls this morning while trying to get this post up, no one every calls unless I'm trying to do something.  Needless to say I'm a bit frustrated at this point.

If you are here to view my Flower Art or Photo Art Friday entries PLEASE click on the provided link and you will be taken to that entry.

Now it's time to join me for:


I was out taking a short walk with my mom and Coleen this week and we happened upon something that brought back memories from my childhood.  One of my Aunts use to grow this plant and I loved them as a kid and was just delighted to have spotted them growing in some one's flower bed near where I live.  They were perfect for this prompt. 

So what is this plant?  It's called, Chinese Lantern Plant and you can read about them by clicking on the link.

Here is my favorite photo and I'll be sharing a couple more as well.
Click to Enlarge photos.

Inside these wonderful orange pods are small reddish orange fruits that look like cherry tomatoes.

These are such colorful and decorative plants.  I need to find some seeds and plant a few in my own garden next year to enjoy.

Don't forget to stop by Sarah's blog and check out all the other entries for your "orange" fix.

Also I have a card up on my other blog today that has the color orange in it.  You can check it out HERE if you'd like but I'll include a small photo of the card here as well.

Have a fantastic weekend. - I hope to get around to visiting your blogs  and commenting as soon as I can.


  1. You have made my day! My mom used to grow chinese lanterns in our garden when I was growing up. YAY! This is a great submission to Orange You Glad It's Friday! Thanks for stopping by!

    Hood Photo Blog

  2. I just adore Chinese Lanterns! I don't think they grow here but I'm going to check it out...just in case. :)

  3. It is a fun plant, love the macro shot! :)

  4. They almost look like orange Chinese lanterns.

    Here's my Orange Post.

  5. we always called them 'jack-o=lanterns' as kids....they are a wonder, aren't they!

  6. Fine and bright pictures. Delicious green and orange colors.

  7. We call them Physalis. Very nice and tasty on your plate. They look great even then. Was now aware they were so red to it´s color before drying. :)

  8. Nice capttures. We say this plant as ground cherry or Chinese lantern plant.
    We have this plant festival in Tokyo.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  9. The Chinese Lantern plants are the coolest! Bummer about losing your post after working so hard on it. I've had that happen too - no fun!

  10. I love Chinese Lantern plants but I can't buy them...I guess you have to find some growing and gather their seeds. Lovely captures, Ida.

  11. I have tried and tried to grow these, but never with much success. Funny, because I have seen them escape to the wild and seem to thrive. Beautiful photos!

  12. They are so beautiful! Never seen them before!

  13. Ida!!! These photos are absolutely wonderful! I didn't get around to "orange" posts last week...yours is super!


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