Thursday, September 6, 2012

Two For The Price of One (Flower Art and Photo Art Friday)

Happy Friday everyone! - Thanks for stopping by.  Today I'm sharing not one but two photo's with you.

Friday is home to several Memes which I enjoy participating in.  Sometimes that means creating several different posts which all go up on Friday or early Thursday.  This week I decided to do two of them in one post.

First up:  Flower Art Friday: Click to Enlarge Photos.


I absolutely love how this turned out.  I started with the photo below (SOOC)

The photo was cropped and then I applied Bonnie Zieman's (Pixel Dust Photo Art) texture:  Vintage Craquelure, Hardlight at 80%.  Then I uploaded the photo to BeFunky and used there Watercolor Effect.  Next I reuploaded the photo on PicMonkey and used the Boost Feature (10%) just to up the color a little.  I then added the Quote there added some dark edges and another Simple Frame.

I really love finding quotes for photos.  This one fits the theme for Photo Art Friday but I decided to do another photo for that.  You'll see that below.

Don't forget to stop by LeAnne's Blog for Flower Art Friday  and then head on over to Bonnie's blog for some wonderful photo art.  The theme there this week is, Movement.

Photo Art Friday:  Hi,  Welcome again.  It's time for some wonderful Photo Art which you'll find at Bonnie's blog,  Pixel Dust Photo Art. 

Here is my submission for Photo Art Friday:

For this edit  I uploaded the original photo on Pic Monkey and used Boost at 10% to give the original a little extra oomph.  Then I used Bonnie's texture:  Scratches , Hardlight at 70%.    Then I added the quote and a simple frame. 

Below is the original photo (SOOC) so you can see how I edited it.

Thanks for dropping by and I hope you've enjoy both pieces of Art this week.


  1. Great work on both pieces, Ida! The one for PAF would make a great inspirational poster. Thank you for sharing your artwork with Photo Art Friday.

  2. Beautiful job with both photos! I especially like the sunflowers...both versions. The contrail is really nice, too.

  3. just give your best, the world will keep moving anyway :)

    nice pictures

  4. "refuse to be average"... what a wonderful and powerful motto!

  5. I enjoyed both of these pieces of art. Thank you for including what you did...I have such a hard time remembering mine because I just click, play, and experiment. I had never heard of Be to explore that site. Thanks.

  6. love how you boosted a simple photo - such energy

  7. These are both lovely works of art, Ida!

  8. Amazing work, Ida!! I love both photos and the quotes are magnificent. I love how you went here and there and then back there and tried this much... it makes me smile to know that other people are wandering round the internet as wildly delighted with possibilities as I am!!

  9. You really did a great job on this! So creative!

  10. Not only does this image convey "moving", but you've created a great poster for your wall!. Love the font, care to share what it is?

  11. GREAT edits and I love the quotes you chose! The sunflower picture looks like a painting!! :)

  12. That first image is beautiful! I really like the colours, that bright cyan next to the yellow and orange! Great processing. Thank you for visiting Ida.

  13. And so you should love how these BOTH turned out! Really wonderful work!!

  14. Hi, Ida!

    Simple the beautiful moving on this sky. Poem and the colors looks great :)

  15. Those flowers are beautiful and full of light and color. I'll take all. Greetings.


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  17. What an original idea with the jet stream, Ida...lovely set!!

  18. I love your sky photo. It makes good use of negative space to make the photo more dramatic and leads your eye into the photo. The texture you applied makes the sky pop.
    Thank you for visiting my blog, hope you come back soon!!

  19. Oh yes.......the quotes are perfect! Love your's so happy!

  20. Love the sunflower against the blue, blue sky!

  21. Great quote and wonderful job with your images. Thanks for sharing with Flower Art Friday!

  22. Really lovely edits Ida, I especially love the plane with its smoke trails.

  23. I love both pieces, wonderful editing and I heartily agree with the words too :)


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