Saturday, September 29, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - Sept. 30, 2012

Hi! - What a busy week it's been.  I had most of the hunt items found by Friday but had to go out today to complete my set.
I hope you enjoy my interpretations of the prompts. 

This weeks Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts were:  Yellow, Getting Ready, Bright, Teeny Tiny and Connections.

Before I get started I wanted to say that my Granddaughter, Coleen
ask me today if she could take pictures and do the Scavenger Hunt too.
She has her own blog (Creative Coleen and her Imagination) so please stop
by and check out her pictures.  She took them all herself.  I helped a little with uploading them to her blog and helping put the frames on her photos. She picked out all the colors and fonts and did all her own typing as well.



The neighbors behind my mom have some Sunflowers that hang over her back fence.  I've been enjoying photographing them this summer.  This one is slight worn out from the dry weather we've had but still quite lovely.

                                                                                   GETTING READY:

This is my mom getting ready to throw her bowling ball during league bowling this past Tuesday.  My mom hates having her picture taken so I snuck this one in without her knowing it.  She was mortified that I planned to post it on my blog.  I told her know one will recognize her because you can't see her face!  She bowled a "strike" on this ball by the way.


Some of my many bottles of bright, colorful glitter.  I love how they sparkle, don't you?

                                                                                                           TEENY TINY:

Coleen and I went to Rook's Park today to do a photo/nature walk.  I spotted some teeny tiny blackberries on the vines and snapped this picture of them before Coleen picked them and ate them.  She really enjoyed finding the berries and eating them.


This prompt can be interpretated in many different ways.  I chose to use some quote about Connection/s and added them to appropriate photo's.  I have two pictures for this prompt because I liked both of them.  Both photo's have had "textures" added to them.
The textures were Free from Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo art.

I have to confess that this is actually 2 separate photo's that have been overlayed to create one photo.  See smaller photo's below:

The geese seemed a little plain by themselves so I added the clouds and tree shot to jazz it up a little.

Finally my last Connections shot was taken at the school carnival this week.  Coleen had just dunked her teacher in the dunk tank and was having a wonderful laugh over it. 

Don't forget to stop by Ashley's blog and check out the other participants.


  1. Ha haa I have eaten Blackberries because my sister have those. They are very unusuall in Finland. And your photo is beautiful. I like most your getting ready pic !!!! It has motion and speed and good colors. You yellow is a classic. Very nice photos all. Those birds are lovely too !
    Have a nice week :)
    my pics in

  2. Oh, I have really enjoyed your set of prompts this week Ida, and tell your mom- way to go! That pic of your granddaughter laughing is really contagious, I can just hear her as her teacher is dunked!! :)

  3. Beautiful pictures. I really like Yellow and Bright.

    Herding Cats

  4. I love your image of sunflower and those berries looks so delicious.
    My images are here:

  5. The photo of the birds is really beautiful, and I just love that your mother is out bowling strikes!

  6. Getting ready is so great! Love bright, too!

  7. Beautiful shots! I'll definitely check out your granddaughter's site too!

  8. I love how sharp your Teeny Tiny shot is... and just look at those bottles of glitter! I used to have some when I used to face-paint my kids more often than I do now (almost never!). Now I don't even know where my bottles of glitter are.

  9. Oh sweet that you and your granddaughter both do this! I will go over there. Love what you did with the geese. Have a lovely week Ida. Oh, and tell your mom her secret is safe. LOL

  10. I knew you would post some great ones this week. Can I just say that I think it's totally awesome that your mom is bowling. What a fun thing to get out & do. Reminds me that we have not been in a while.

  11. I love your series! I'm a fan of sunflowers, I never tire of looking at them, no matter what state they are in.

  12. Bright and teeny tiny are simply WONDERFUL!
    Awesome job!

  13. Oooh, I love your "bright" picture. But, I am partial to all things glitter. Great job!

  14. These are great! I love the pic of your mother. You can let her know that I don't recognize her in this pic. lol. I am the same way about getting my picture taken. Your connection pics are terrific. Wonderful quotes both. And you can never go wrong with a sunflower!

  15. These are fantastic. Love your 'sneaky sneaky' shot of your mom and fabulous job on combining pictures with the birds and clouds.

  16. My yellow shot is a sunflower too. They sure are beautiful. Such happy colours in your bright bottles of glitter.

  17. Love your bright and teeny tiny shots. Those berries are making me hungry!

  18. Great photos! I LOVE how you "created" the picture of the geese with the trees!! :)

  19. Nice job with the prompts this week. I really like the geese and their flyover...really nice work, merging the two.

  20. Yellow is super fabulous. It reminds me of Andrea Dawn's work over at The Art of Life. I also like the bowling picture...neat interpretation!

  21. Love you sunflower and the overlay of the birds!

  22. Oh the bright! I want! Coleen did a beautiful job. I saw hers before I looked at yours. Very impressed.

  23. I love the one of your Mom bowling and the geese overlay - all are perfect for the hunt.

  24. Okay - I just love the shot of your mom bowling. My dad was a bowler & that picture just brings back so many great memories for me.

  25. I visited Colleens blog first! she did really well given her age!! =) my 12 year old plays along too... kinda... I put some of her shots in my post! ;) anyway... love your black berry shot the most!

  26. Love the last photo..what a connections she made;-) Nice photos all, Ida.

  27. What an amazing set! Yellow is stunning, bright also! A very good week for you :)))))

  28. You have a fantastic collection of scavenger hunt pixs! I especially like your colorful glitter picture - and, your hot air balloons (even if they're not part of the hunt). The pix of your ?daughter laughing with the wording would be great in an art journal (must keep that in mind!)

  29. Great set! I love your sunflower shot and your blackberries!

  30. So many great photos this week. I just love that sunflower. It's one of my favorite flowers.

  31. Absolutely amazing! Love the overlaying effect!

  32. Great set. Love the yellow and the connection is wonderful. Thanks as always.

  33. These are so fun, Ida. I adore the 2nd and 3rd shots!

  34. Ida!!! That sunflower shot is amazing!! simply gorgeous! ...I also love both your connections shots -especially your geese over sky shots!


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