Saturday, September 29, 2012

Edit Me Challenge 9-26-12

This is my 2nd Post today because I nearly forgot that I planned to participate in the current Edit Me Challenge.

If you are here for Scavenger Hunt Sunday please scroll down one post or click on the link:

Here is the photo we were given to edit:   From Larissa at,

Below is my edited version:

For my version I cropped the original then used the editing tools on PicMonkey to change the tones of the balloon.  I believe that I used the Intrepid effect.  I also overlayed a photo of mine with some Sunset clouds and readjusted the color levels again before deciding that I like it as is. 

It was fun joining in on this challenge.


  1. Great job with your edit! You brightened it up and I love the colors!

  2. Beautiful balloon - I have always wanted to ride in one!

  3. I like the editing. Simple and effective.

  4. Really Beautiful! I love the dawn feeling of it! Like you were up early to catch some beautiful coloring in the sky!

  5. I love the subtle colors. I think you did a great edit. Thank you.

  6. Lovely edit, it was difficult to know what to crop, cheers

  7. Love your edit Ida! Hope you have been well. :)

  8. I like the subdued feeling you've created! Nice job!

  9. Wow! Look at these colors! I absolutely love how you added a new sky background!

  10. Oh great job! I like the pop of the colors!

  11. Very pretty. We once lived out in the country and often hot air balloons would pass over real low and we could wave at the people!


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