Thursday, October 4, 2012

Flowers for Hope and Figures for Fun

Hi,  Happy Friday everyone!

Please join me for Flower Art Friday and Photo Art Friday.

Click to Enlarge images.

LeAnne gave us the opportunity to showcase the color Pink in our Flower Art Friday entries in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Here is the piece that I created:

Please stop by her blog and check out the other participants floral art pieces.

Now let's move on to Bonnie's (Pixel Dust Photo Art) - Photo Art Friday where the optional theme this week was, "Figure/s"  I have two pieces to share with you this week.

I started with this photo:

This Tiki God is located on the Whitman College campus here in Walla Walla (see previous post for more on the college campus).

After cropping the photo I added a layer of Bonnie's texture:  Ancient Treasures.  I really like how it added a bit of mystery to the photo.

I added the Sketchy Frame and Background on Pic Monkey.
Next up is a piece that I just did today after being inspired by one of Bonnie's pieces.
I remembered that somewhere I had a Public Domain photo that I saw somewhere (sorry I can't remember the source) and decided it would look great with some added texture work.  So I re sized the photo uploaded it to Pic Monkey and then added Bonnie's new texture:  Heartache by the Numbers - Multiply 100% and rotated it.
Next I added a layer of RH West texture: Solstice also at 100% and then used the Boost feature to add just a bit more intense color.  Added frames and called it good.

   Be sure to pop in and check out all the fabulous Photo Art on Bonnie's sight.
   Have a great weekend.


  1. all of these images are stunning~!

    the flower isn't one that i'm familiar with but i love that pink color and what an interesting form.

    the tiki "figure" does look mysterious and dramatic. well done~!

    and the last shot has a great feeling of fun and celebration about it.

    so happy to see what you've done this week.


  2. I love that flower at the top and also how you used my texture, all these are great Ida, well done :)

  3. Your processing on the tiki statue really made him pop. Nice work on all the pieces.

  4. I like the first one - unusual arrangement and I like the last with the happy dance. Enjoyed this.

  5. Hi Ida, love how the pink flower cascades to the side, and what great pieces of art for Phot Art Friday, love the second one!

  6. Oh..I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your "Figures" piece, Ida! It works beautifully with that background.

  7. Den första bilden hård. Den sista bilden mjuk.Snyggt. Ha en trevlig helg.

  8. Impressive Ida! I particularly like the last one and how you rotated the texture to have the word 'amour' appear between two of the figures. Thanks for sharing your process and for linking up with Photo Art Friday.

  9. That rich and beautiful flowers ... great colors, I like that hope.

  10. wow! these are all wonderful. the hope piece is beautiful and your interpretation of Bonnie's theme is awesome!

  11. Ida,
    these are spectaculicious!! I love the transformation and the added information you've so generously provided.
    I also love how you say "called it good" as I think sometimes that is the hardest thought to focus on.
    YAY for YOU!!

  12. I didn't know you lived in Washington!
    And I love the tiki!

  13. All great chouces today, Ida. Your photo editing skills are getting better and better. The pink flower is particularly well done.

  14. Wow Ida, I love what you did with that last piece. Very artistic. It's inspiring me to try to create something like that in fabric!

  15. These images are beautiful - rich colour, interesting textures and glowling light. The last one is so happy and joyful too!

  16. I'm not familiar with the pink flower but it's exotic and beautiful. I love your editing on these photos - you've added a real mood to the Tiki shot, and the last shot is so full of joy, it just lifts me up. Nice job Ida. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  17. I really like the pink flower and the Tiki god but that last one is just too, too cool!! :)

  18. The pink flower is beautiful and I really love what you did with the dancing figures!

  19. Ida I especially love this last work of art with the public domain figures. You did a super job processing this and love how it turned out. I have never looked in to these public domain pictures, but looks like a great source. This really turned out superb!!!

  20. Gorgeous pink flower. I don't think I have seen that before.

    Duranta Erecta

  21. wow, very good work today Ida. I like all three of them. You made a very good choice of textures for your shots. :)

  22. ...all fabulous as usual Ida!! I especially love the interesting flower and the dancing figures! Great processing too!


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