Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Whatever Wednesday" Whitman College Edition

Before I forget I've neglected to post my Bowling Scores the last couple of weeks.
9/25 - 157-135-170 bringing my average up to a 152 until yesterday.
10/2 - 153-144-125 (Ugh)...back down to 150 for now.

Last week I posted pictures of a Photo Walk that Coleen and I went on and promised to continue that photo session.  This week we are going to explore a portion of our visit to the Whitman College Campus that we too that same day.

There are lots of lovely paths to walk on through out the campus.  This was one of them that we took.  It lead to the entryway of a very lovely spot that we spent a great deal of our time exploring.

Here is Coleen posing at the stone entrance.

We found this plaque inside:

Isn't this lovely?  There a pond and a waterfall feature here:

There are stone benches to sit on and take in the peaceful atmosphere.

Of course Coleen found other things to occupy herself.

Naturally I decided to take photo's and was so thrilled to spot this between one of those stepping stones.

We could have spent longer there but needed to head home so perhaps another day we'll venture back and see what other things we can find and enjoy.


  1. What a beautiful place to explore, love those big old trees! :)

  2. What pretty pictures of a pretty place. Gee, I haven't been bowling for ages. You certainly have a great score!

  3. Excellent post. I love these pictures of the path!

  4. Is that your lovely daughter? And that spider - yuck!

  5. Hi Ida, This seems like a great place for a walk. If I were a kid still, I'd have liked to cross that bridge of stones with Coleen.

  6. Looks like such a fun path. I'm loving the stone benches & waterfall!

  7. What a beautiful property! Really nice photos!

  8. Absolutely gorgeous photos. Have a great weekend.

  9. I love the one of her walking across the stepping stones!

  10. Delicious photos. Coleen is very pretty. A hug.


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