Thursday, October 18, 2012

Photo Art Friday - October 19, 2012

Welcome and Happy Friday! - It's time to join me over on Pixel Dust Photo Art for,
PHOTO ART FRIDAY  where Bonnie offered us a Free texture (Leafy Landscape) to use for the optional theme today.

This is a fantastic texture.  I loved it but had a hard time finding photo's that I thought would work with the texture.  I started with this photo:

Here is my piece with the texture added. I also did a Tranquil adjustment on Pic Monkey to give it a more vintage feel.

I also did another piece that's a bit on the abstract side using this photo:

First I uploaded the texture and then I used the photo as an Overlay texture in Subtract Mode on PicMonkey.  I did some other adjustments, Boost and such (can't quite recall all the things I did) and ended up with this:

Which is your favorite and why?


  1. my favorite the last image, I think. Color is gorgeous

  2. Beautiful shots and edits! I like all of them in both versions.

  3. I love the abstract one best because I have difficulty doing it!

  4. Nice edit and use of your photographs.

  5. Have to say that I especially like the last as it is so colorful, and the colors are so bright together! Very nice!

  6. I think I like the latter one the best. The texture kind of dissappeared in the first one. :)

  7. The leaf certainly went through a beautiful transformation. Very nice processing on both pieces.

  8. this is very interesting and creative piece!

  9. The leafy texture added just the right amount of drama to your grapes - I love it!

  10. Ida, both examples are fabulous creations!

  11. Excellent, extremely beautiful and magical setting, good processed.

  12. Delicious photos. Excellent colors. Bella luminosity in those pretty flowers.

  13. I like both images. I also like your header!

  14. I love them both, but my fave is the vibrant coloured one!

  15. Lovely work, Ida. Think my fav is the first one.

  16. I like the second one the best, I think it's the wild colors that appeal to me!! :)
    I worked on an entry today but finally gave up and posted about my fall garland!! LOL!!

  17. My favourite is the final one. It is so colourful and cheerful that I think it would make an excellent holiday card. I like the way the textures are sort of heavy at the bottom and become lighter at the top too. Great processing:)

  18. they are both quite different from one another and very beautiful.
    i think that i like the branches best because the layer really added a lot of subtle interest.

    the drama of the leaf abstract is brilliant though and it is hard to choose.

    well done on both, i think~!


  19. The number 3. Because it is simple...and i love the colors...
    GREAT all of them.

  20. My fave is the first because I love subtle and desaturated colour and I also love the vintage feel. Keep experimenting!

  21. Although I am tempted sometimes to choose a favourite, I simply canNOT!! I suppose it is so firmly entrenched in my dna to NOT play favourites. Instead I will tell you what I love about each.

    The first one is your original photo which seems nice, in the way that many photos are when they are first seeing the Light of Day.

    When you first add the texture I can see a hint of fun about to take off running. Like a tickle with anticipation.

    When you add the leaf and get busy playing this way and that, I love that I can SEE the fun you are having.

    For me, learning this little by slowly way with PSE8 and the other ones, the freebies like Picasa, Pixlr Express, and others, but mainly those two, I try out things I'd NEVER have thought up on my own. There is another trial version thingie Smart something or other, and playing there showed me many things that my brain simply could NOT ever have imagined.

    So here, with yours I like that I get to see what can BE done with a simple photo and imagination. Daring, even!!!

  22. I think the abstract one is great! Nice colours and it sets my imaginations going.

  23. i really like the last image, perhaps it's the depth of the color! it just looks great!!

  24. So so love the berries shot I love what it has done to the colours in the picture... Thanks for visiting me on my blog and leaving such a lovely comment (desktop Dreams)

  25. I like booth but more the last one.Have a nice time.

  26. I like booth but more the last one.Have a nice time.

  27. Love them both. I think you picked great photos to work with.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

    Capture Life!

  28. I think my favourite is the first on e- I like the subtle effect.


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