Saturday, October 13, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - October 14, 2012

             PAF LINK: Photo Art Friday

Hello and Welcome to another installment of Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

This weeks prompts were:  Water Drops/Water Flowing,
Faithfulness, Then and Now, Fingertips and One Item from the Bucket List.

Before I start I just want to let you know Coleen did not participate this week.

WATER DROPS:  It rained today!  Not a lot but enough to get things wetter then they have been since July 18th.  I took several pictures of water drops on my rose bushes and decided on this one for the prompt.

It just looks so refreshing.

FAITHFULNESS:  The first thing that came to mind when I read the prompt was the Hymn,  "Great is Thy Faithfulness."  so I used the first lines of the song to add to a photo I took of my Azalea Bush.  The colors are changing and while the earth around us changes it's nice to know that my Savior never does.


This is pretty self-explanatory.  Photo's of the exact same Sun Flower taken 6 weeks apart.


Cats are always so curious...hold out your fingertip and they are bound to sniff it.

ITEM FROM THE FALL BUCKET LIST:    We chose, Making Smores!
I had a shot that showed the Smore a little clearer but I liked the tongue and marshmellow in this shot so I want with it instead.  By the way we made them using the Gas burners on our stove since it was raining outside.  They were still Yummy!

That's it for this week.  Please stop by Ashley's blog and check out some of the other participants.  It's always fun to see what everyone comes up with for the prompts.

Have a great day.


  1. What a great serie of photos and photo work!

  2. Well Ida, I am grinning silly here as I read your description of your Faithfulness prompt. I had the same thought about the same hymn and also wrote out a verse from the song. What a great shot, love the colours.

  3. What a wonderful set. I love fingertips, so cute!

  4. Nice captures! I like the first photo very much. Wishing you wonderful days.

  5. Beautiful picture. I love Faithfulness and Then and Now

    Herding Cats

  6. You're right, the water drops on the rose petals do look so refreshing. The s'mores? Yum! We'll be doing some of that later this month. It's not quite cold enough yet here... :)

  7. You just can't beat a s'more. I'm glad you posted the "gooey" one!

  8. Then and now is great! Amazing what 6 weeks will change! Glad you got some rain, we've had a very wet fall here, very Oregon like!

  9. I love your "water drops" shot! Beautiful!

  10. Lovely rain droplets and adore the smores shot - just how it should be.

  11. These are great! I love your s'mores shot. Very cute!

  12. Great line-up this week, Ida. The pic of the leaf with the verse is beautiful and I love the pic of Colleen enjoying her s'more.

  13. Smores sound delicious! I love sunflowers, but it kinda makes me sad to see them gone!

  14. You really nailed the prompts this week! Love the water, then and now, and fingertips the most. Tell Colleen I was looking for her! Happy week Ida.

  15. What creative interpretations for the prompts! I just love the sunflower and that s'more looks mighty good!

  16. We had s'mores this weekend! LOVE your then and now. So creative!

  17. Nice shots! The S'Mores look yummy!! :)

  18. Oh...I love your whole set. That rose picture is so beautiful. What a great capture of the before and after for the sunflower. And now...I totally want s'mores. Yum!!!!

  19. Hi Ida, What exceptional pictures. You know how I love cats....mine do the same thing and our little dog always licks our fingers! Have a good night.

  20. GREAT set ida!! i think before and after is my favorite but those droplets are perfection!!

    on to the smores, you picked the right shot...i know that, without ever seeing the other!!

    have a great week ida. i am pretty excited about our new prompts, its tuesday and i have already gotten 2!!

  21. Nice shots, those sunflowers!

  22. What a lovely set of photos!
    The water droplets photo is so soft and pretty.
    I love the tongue and marshmallow, too.

  23. Well done! I enjoyed viewing your selection of photos for Scavenger Hunt!

  24. Love the side by side of the sunflower--what a contrast.

  25. Wow! The rain drops are so pretty! And what a cute picture of cat and fingertip!


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