Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rural Thursday - Glorious Autumn Edition

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.

George Eliot
Please click to enlarge photos.

I'm joining Nancy (Rural Journal) for Rural Thursday this week.  Here's what's happening in my town.

                      Here are those
                     gorgeous Flame
         Maple trees that I posted
         about in yesterday's post.

          Today these same trees are completely bare of all that stunning color.

I drove around yesterday afternoon and took a few shots of some of the Fall color here  in town.  Here are some of my photo's.

I loved this tree. - So much that I took a couple of close-ups as well.

Just look at the "Rainbow" of colors on this tree.  - These trees are located in the parking lot of the Grocery store that I shop at.

Same type of tree but this one had more orange and yellow colors of leaves.

Love the dramatic looks of this bush against the white house.

It had been raining yesterday off and on and I just though the drops of rain on this little bush were so lovely.

Discovered these "Christmas Colors" on an Oregon Grape bush.  - Next shot, Same bush but look at the difference in the color of the leaves.

No wonder Fall is one of my favorite seasons when I get to enjoy God's marvelous handiwork in the stunning fall foliage.


  1. Wow! It's beautiful collection of autumn leaf photos. I enjoyed them very much.

  2. I am so jealous! There aren't a lot of deciduous trees here in NZ, so not much fall color.

  3. Look at all that fall color, isn't it beautiful! =)

  4. These are fantastic shots! Your color is wonderful! I really like the second and third photos with the mix of colors.

  5. Ida,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comment. Your fall pictures are lovely. The large sumac is stunning and I love the colors on the Oregon Grape particularly. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  6. You found some exciting examples in your neighborhood Ida -- love that bush with all the curvy limbs. :)

  7. Beautiful colors ... Nice pictures which make this delicious fall collection.


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