Thursday, October 25, 2012

Photo Art Friday - October 26, 2012

If you've stopped in for Rural Thursday click on the link. I've featured some gorgeous Autumn foliage there.

It's now time however to pop on over with me to Pixel Dust Photo Art for Photo Art Friday.

This week's optional theme was (Derelict) When I saw the theme I immediately thought of this photo that I took of a barn (or what use to be a barn) while out on a little drive a week or so ago.

I used one of Bonnie's textures: Vintage Vellum
 to add the aged look I was going for in my piece. I erased some of the texture from the sky before I uploaded it from Pic Monkey to Pixlr-O-Matic.

Then I added one of the effects there which added a different tone to the sky that I liked and I added the Grunge Frame there as well. Then back to Pic Monkey for the simple frame and voila~ I was done.

Here is the Original Photo:

Here is my finished piece:

Be sure to stop by Bonnie's blog and check out the other participants entries.  You won't be disappointed.


  1. First, it's a great image of a neat old barn! Second, you've edited it so wonderfully, Ida!

  2. Beautiful texture!The photo became very attractive. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  3. Great edit! I like that! Nice work.

  4. Great job - you really brought it back to life with that lovely colour and texture too.

  5. What a great find...and the edit is perfect!

  6. I love the processing on this photo. Great job. Valerie

  7. Perfect choice of a building for the prompt. Your processing is very weel done.

  8. Love how your processing has given the photo such a vintage feel. Every 'touch' adds to the artistry!!!

  9. This is great Ida, and thank you for sharing your steps!

  10. what a great processing. the picture is perfect just by itself but with the texture it looks like a real vintage piece of art!!!

  11. I like the fact the your relay the process from the original - great subject for this theme too.

  12. Definitely derelict! Nice work.

  13. well, that´s a difference. Love that vintage look you achieved. :)

  14. I love your processing here Ida, the frame works perfectly too :)

  15. I like how you processed this photo. The result is very nice!

  16. Great old barn and your edit is lovely. I love your Halloween themed blog banner too. What fun!

  17. The barn is perfect for the "derelict" theme. I love the effect you created - very vintage.

  18. i really like the effect. beautiful work.

  19. Great processing, I love it!! :)

  20. My goodness, this old barn should be filled with sunshine! Great shot and processing!

  21. Whoa! Those are amazing photos and the subject looks like it on the verge of collapse. Did you get out of the way?

  22. This is awesome, Ida!! I love that you did all that with Pic Monkey. And Pixlr. I've noticed myself slowing down a lot with my eagerness to learn PSE8 and all the fancy thises and thats.

    You've reminded me of the fun I have when I figure out a way to make something more interesting. This barn that was really speaks volumes and your processing is exquisite!!!

  23. A wonderful artistic touch to your image..It looks great!

  24. Interesting photo, I love the processing.

  25. the processing that you've used on your photo really made the second image look like an older photo.

    excellent work and i liked reading the steps that you took to make this happen.


  26. Your art has grown so much beautiful..;0

  27. Good thing you got this photo now, and I love the edit. Doesn't look as if the bridge will withstand the elements much longer.

  28. Ohhh At first I thought it was a covered bridge.. duh, Now I see it is a barn.

  29. Så fin mjuk ton det blev med texturen. Ha de gott.

  30. This is fabulous processing for that photo!! You have inspired me yet again, Ida. Thanks!!

  31. Great original image and I love your processing. Fabulous.


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