Saturday, October 27, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - October 28, 2012

Hello and Welcome! - It's time to go on a Hunt,  A Scavenger Hunt that is.  Please join me over at Ashley's blog:
(Ramblings and Photos) for this weeks Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

The prompts this week are:  Pattern(s), Machine, Signs or Logos, Rocks/Stones and Sparkle.  - I was excited when Ashley picked the entire set of prompts that I sent her.  Thanks, Ashley!

Now the trick was to find things that met with the prompts.  This week that was not an easy feat as it has rained here off and on for most of the week.  Lots of wet, dreary, cloudy skies do not make for great photo opts but the hunt must go on and so I persevered and came up with the following:


I went to our local JoAnn Fabric store in search of some of the prompts because it was nice and "dry" inside the store! - When I first walked in the store I spotted these fun Halloween patterned fabrics and just knew they would be perfect for the prompt.

MACHINE: - I am sharing 2 photo's for this prompt.  One because I wanted to have a current photo taken this week and the other being that I had a photo that I really liked that I wanted to share.

Here is the current machine shot:

I have no clue what this machine is, I just spotted it in the parking lot of the Gas Station and thought it looked really cool.

This is my other photo.  It was taken a couple of weeks ago when we were out on our drive over the Scenic Loop that was mentioned in last weeks SHS set.  I just love the way this pictured turned out and had to share it.

SIGNS or LOGOS: - Once again you get 2 photo's for this prompt because I couldn't make up my mind which I liked the best, so you get both!

My daughter works at Taco Bell and I thought it would be fun to take a picture of the TB Logo on the front entrance to the building.

  I spotted this fun sign as I was heading home.  There wasn't any writing or advertising on the sign but there is a little Espresso/Coffee hut just down the road from the sign so I'm guessing that is what it is for.

ROCKS or STONES: - I have a confession to make...When I sent in the list to Ashley of the prompts I knew exactly what I was going to use for this prompt if she picked my list.  You see we have all kinds of unusual and different "Art" pieces here in Walla Walla and this is one of them.

This piece is done by Artist John T. Young of Seattle and is titled: Soaring Stones#4.
I took 2 different angles of the scultpture.  I think it's pretty weird.  A bunch of Granite stones on top of stainless steel beams and this qualifies as Art?

SPARKLE:  Another of my fabric store finds:

This fun little Halloween House had the perfect amount of Sparkle.  I loved the green background behind it with the stars.  Made for a fun backdrop.

That's it for the hunt this week.  I hope you have enjoyed my interpretations of the prompts.  Don't forget to pop over to Ashley's blog and check out the other participants.  I can't wait to see what everyone came up with for the prompts.


  1. Oh fabulous set Ida, I just love the second one you have for machine, so beautiful! And yes that red machine is sooo interesting!

  2. That first machine shot is the coolest I've come across so far and the second machine shot... well, there's just something about it that I really love.

    Haha, great finds at the fabric store!

  3. That 3. photo is so beautiful !!! All that action and that beautiful nature, fields !! And those rocks are so cool ! Sparkle is cute !

    Lovely photos all !

  4. Your set is soooo good. :) I love both of your machine pictures. They are really beautiful... And don't you just love Jo Ann's. I feel like I could spend hours in that store. What a great place to take pictures!!!

  5. Both of your machine shots are wonderful. Don't know what the first one is but it makes for a good photo. The field shot is just beautiful.

  6. I hope you get over to my place. I dedicated my photos this week to you and Coleen. Your prompts were fun and your picture interpretations are awesome!

  7. Gorgeous machines! Great set this week, Ida. The fabric is perfect for this week!

  8. My favorites this week are both of your "machine" shots. I want to know what that one thing does! Looks scary. Great set!

  9. Art comes in all forms and often in the simplest of forms - rocks on a post - go figure. Probably cost the city millions of dollars. While visiting colleges my daughter pointed out a 'glob' of a rock which was "art" and quoted me the price tag which was well over a million. I am clearly in the wrong medium of art.

    Great set all around.

  10. My goodness you are ambitious. Your pictures match the prompts perfectly ... Seems like a lot of work. I love the picture of the tractors in the field. That is gorgeous ... I agree, you should be happy with how that turned out. I love the idea of the prompts, but I don't know if I would have time to chase everything down ... but I love that you do and you do it so well.

    Andrea @ FromThe Sol

  11. That Machine photo from the other week 's outing is gorgeous. I love how the dust is swirling. Beautiful!

  12. Great set this week! That is definitely an interesting machine. I wonder what it is?

  13. That 2nd machine shot is stunning, Ida. Wow!

  14. IDA! Your pictures are amazing this week. I especially like machine...stunning!

  15. Isn't it free tacos this Tuesday at Taco Bell? HA! Ha!
    That machine is quite something, rather mystical.

  16. What a cool sculpture! Perfect for Rock or Stone. Glad you picked that prompt. Great job!

  17. Love your machine shots,the first one looks like a large spider. The second one love the view. Have a great week!

  18. Cool machine. It looks like it may be a hay baler...dunno for sure.

  19. Great prompts and excellent finds! I also love that tractor shot throwing up dust in the field - a great composition. Going into a fabric store was a stroke of genius!

  20. Ida, thanks so much for great clues for the hunt this week. I've seen some really interesting interpretations. My favourites of yours submissions are your two machine shots. Very nicely done.

  21. I did my scavenger hunt in Target once! Fun! Also, I love JoAnnes! The halloween stuff brought a smile to my face!

  22. Love your finds this week Ida! Especially, both of your machines and the coffee sign!

  23. I LOVE that weird machine (a hay rake?) and the one of the Scenic field is divine (the light!)

  24. I really love both of your machine shots! The first machine is really interesting and makes me wonder what it is for. The second machine shot is really lovely.

  25. Fantastic. I love patterns and sparkle. I am now in the mood for Halloween.

    Herding Cats

  26. I love that little sparkle house and the Halloween themed prints! Great series this week!

  27. How clever of you to go to a fabric store to look for a pattern. That made me smile. :)) The Halloween cottage sure is cute!

  28. Love the pictures of rocks. Interesting. Sparkle is also wonderful. Your first machine is some kind of rake. Thanks

  29. Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying nice things about my photo' sure makes me feel a little better than when I hit the publish button. :)

    So you have a three legged black pug? How sweet! We have a little black on named Lily...she actually runs the house and all the occupants. We have three pugs total (a little collection).

    That machine is pretty awesome. I have no idea what it might be either. I think I love the shot of the field with the tractor the most!


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