Thursday, January 10, 2013

Frost and Snow

I love "frost" patterns and captured these on the windows of our van a few days ago.

This was taken through the tinted windshield and facing the sky so you get that frosty blue color as well.

Well "Winter" arrived today - We finally got some snow (not that I'm a huge fan) but it sure was fun watching those huge, fluffy flakes coming down.  So I snapped a few shots.  Here it's just started to snow.

Coming down harder now.  View of our back driveway and my mom's yard.

It's already stopped and most likely won't stay around long as the weather predictions for next week call for warmer temps and rain. Have a great day.


  1. Love these pictures. Very creative.

  2. the frosty patterns are delightfully beautiful! thank you for sharing. I love snow but I don't know how to walk on it very well.. too sleepery! wishing you a cozy day. xxo

  3. I love the intricate patterns of the frost!


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