Thursday, January 10, 2013

Photo Art Friday - January 11, 2013

Welcome back.  It's Friday and time to share in some great Photo Art over at Pixel Dust Photo Art where Bonnie gave us the optional theme of using one of her awesome textures in our art pieces.

The texture is called, Brown Rice Paper.  I love the canvas like feel it gives my piece.

I started out with a photo of some dried Hydrangea blooms that I found in our yard the other day.  I snapped a photo of them and then played around with that photo.

Up first is this version: - Please click to Enlarge for details.

On this piece I also added the Daguerreotype Frame from Pic Monkey.

Next version:

 For this version I also added Bonnie's Golden Bokeh texture and a Grunge Frame from BeFunky and played around with the tones a little to give it a brighter look.

Finally in an effort to try something totally out of my normal comfort zone and in keeping with my word for this year (which is Seek) I sought out some fairy images and tried to incorporate one into the image.  I'm not entirely satisfied with how it turned out but I think for a first attempt it's not half bad.

 So which is your favorite and why?

Please drop by Bonnie's blog and check out the other entries.  It's always amazing to see what everyone does with the theme.


  1. I really can't decide, it's a toss up for me between the first and last ones. I like the vintage feel of the first one, and the brightness of the last one.

  2. two first pieces are truly wonderful!

  3. Beautiful image - love those golden tones.

  4. Ida, I liked the first image best - the colour of the dry blooms blends so well with the ricepaper

  5. Ida- the digital world give us the ability to seek new ways of seeing. You did a wonderful job with your images. And I love that last one. The mystery and light give it a dream like quality. I know I have have trouble doing image like this myself. So now I am inspired to try. Have a nice weekend.

  6. the first one is my favourite. I like the colors and the calm feeling about it.

  7. i adore the first one, uncluttered, pure and rich but they are all beautiful!!

    you are brave to edit, i just can't seem to bring myself to play with it!!

  8. Nice work, Ida! I like all three, but the first one is my favorite.

  9. Ida, Your images are lovely...but.. the new header with the kitty.. blew me away!

  10. Love the simplicity of the first, Ida. Great editing!

  11. they each are extraordinary, Ida. BEcause they each are unique pieces of art.

    I like your daring to go BEyond the places you are comfortable and I especially like your bold asking.

    I am NOT BEing wishy-washy with my answer. Each one shows courage and fun.

    I've started to get out BEyond my own comfort zone the past 24 hours and your 3 images inspire me to simply LEAP!!

  12. Ida, these are really beautiful. You've done a nice job with post processing ... I think my favorites are #s 1 and 2. I wonder what #2 would look like with the grunge frame color changed to a dark brown. So many details, so many variations to play with. I often get caught in asking which one is best. Maybe they all are ...

  13. Hey Ida . . . love seeing your stuff again. My favourite is actually the second one with the frame. I love the flourishes that are part of the frame but it is really the colours that are so satisfying to me.

  14. I like the first one a lot! It's like a beautiful painting...

  15. Beautiful work! My favourite is the first one. It had a vintage feel.

  16. Delicious compositions, beautiful flowers and textures.

  17. Hard to choose a favourite. I love the dried, brown blossoms. Stunning. BTW, I love your new banner. That cat is beautiful.

  18. I like the last one best - but was almost going to say the first one! I like the understated sort of quality of the last one - and the way it disappears into the background towards the right , giving it a depth. I also like the lines of light going across the picture giving it some movement.

  19. These are all lovely...I like the first one best because it's beautiful in its simplicity (which I tend to be always drawn to). Thank you for sharing your images!

  20. Ida, I love what you did with these.

  21. I love the last one--it looks so vintage.

  22. I love the last one--it looks so vintage.


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