Thursday, January 24, 2013

Have A "Ice" Day

Woke up to find this outside this morning:

Pictures from our driveway and the van windshield.

Not so much fun to drive on or even walk on.  The kids had a two hour "delay" for the start of school.  Thank goodness.  It had started to warm up by then and was beginning to melt a little.  I'm thankful we only live about 2 blocks from the school.  I walked Coleen to school (very slowly) so as not to fall.

Hubby had called earlier and he wasn't so lucky.  He fell and plopped on his rear end.  He wasn't hurt seriously but said it did hurt because he had his wallet in his back pocket.

So looking forward to spring!


  1. Ice is never any fun. :(
    Glad your hubby is okay!

  2. Looks so chilly - glad it isn't here. Great photos.

  3. Delicious compositions with leaf and water drops, I really like this theme

  4. Amazing that you can find such beauty on a frozen driveway. That last picture has a smiling face in it.


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