Thursday, January 24, 2013

Photo Art Friday - January 25, 2013

Hello & thanks for stopping by.  It's Friday and that means it's time for Photo Art Friday over at Bonnie's blog, Pixel Dust Photo Art.

This week the optional theme is:  Hardware.
What an interesting theme and one that could be interpreted in many different ways.

When I first read the theme the first thought that popped into my head was something that the doctor said to me right after I had surgery on my right foot 15 years ago.  He asked me if I would like to have the "hardware" that was in my foot from a prior surgery.

Believe it or not I kept the pieces of what is referred to as,  "Hardware" and that is how this piece came about.  Please click to enlarge the picture.

I used the following photo's to create this piece.

This is a side view of my right foot and ankle.  You can see the scar where the surgery was done.  I had an extra bone taken out of my foot and the screw was inserted to fuse the remaining bone together.  The problem was that after my foot had healed my body decided that it did not like the "hardware" that had been place in my ankle and the screw was slowly working it's way to the surface so I had the 2nd surgery to remove the screw.

After adding Bonnie's texture:
Creative Canvas blending in hard light at 80% I then overlayed the photo of the screw and erased the counter out of the photo.  I added some aging on Pixlr and then went back and added the Kid's definition from the dictionary on hardware.

I know it's a little weird but I think it turned out great.  

For those that want to know,  Piglet the cat that was so ill is doing much better now.  He is living at my mom's right now and has been home since Monday.  He's taking medication for the Respiratory Infection and his eye infection and is slowly but surely sounding much better.  It will be sometime though before he can be allowed outside as his immune system needs to be built back up.  I'm just happy that I took him to the Vet when I did.  Had he been out in the horribly cold weather we've been having another 2-3 days he would most likely have died.  Even though we now have a good sized Vet bill for a cat that really wasn't ours to start out with I feel good knowing that he is being taken care of and will live a happy life now and in fact has become one of our own now.


  1. such an interesting take on the challenge - great photo merging

  2. this is fascinating!! I love your interpretation and the result is truly unique!!

  3. You have done such a great job with this one. I love the finished piece, so personal too. Poor piglet! What a lucky cat

  4. This is a very intriguing post. Especially since my granddaughter just underwent a similar surgery two weeks ago and on the same foot. I hope yours heals quickly, but my understanding is it takes a long time. No fun doing something once let alone twice. You should be pleased with your posting to Bonnie's site. I think it is very clever, although painful. THank you for stopping by my blog. I am trying to be more reliable, but we will see how long that lasts. smile; sharon

  5. What a unique approach to the concept of "hardware"! I'm so glad you provided a step-by-step explanation of the composition. I like how you really thought outside of the box.

  6. Ahh! This is so cool! Great job!
    Glad to hear that Piglet is doing better.

  7. Wow- that was some surgery! And to have to go back and have it the hardware removed- I say great photo. And testament to you getting back on your feet.I am glad Piglet is doing better. Stay warm!

  8. WOW, this is truly amazing, Ida! Both the inspiration and techniques used.

  9. What a fabulous interpretation of the theme. Hope that ankle is better now. Ouch! X2

  10. Yes, interesting and surprising compositions. Greetings.

  11. Now this has to be the most UNIQUE take on the hardware theme that I have seen so far!!! Love it.

  12. I like it -- from a person with a total knee replacement - I should have thought along those same lines too!

  13. Wowsa - photo therapy, billiant!

  14. Oh wow, it's amazing how the human body can accept such foreign things in order to function, isn't it? It's no wonder that sometimes it rejects things...I'm sorry that was the case for your poor foot! But I'm glad you were able to have it fixed. I enjoyed your very unique take on this prompt! And I'm so glad that your poor kitty is feeling better. Have a great weekend!

  15. Interesting take on the prompt for this week!
    I'm glad the kitty is doing better, good for you for helping him. :)

  16. All I can say is "Ouch!!!"

    Glad the kitty is doing better.

  17. Dear Piglet, I do hope all is well now. Love your creation this week Ida :)

  18. Wow...I can't believe you still have the "hardware" from a surgery so long ago.

    I love the process you went through on your photo, very cool!

    Thanks for dropping by.

    Capture Life!


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