Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Whatever Wednesday - January 30, 2013 Frosty Beauty

                                    “The seasons alter: hoary-headed frosts

Fall in the fresh lap of the crimson rose.”
William Shakespeare

Click to enlarge photos.
Such delicate beauty.  I've learned that this type of Frost is called, Hoar Frost or Rime Frost.


  1. We don't get that here very often - I've not seen it in 12 years. It is too wet and not cold enough most winter days - but that's ok - I'll just look at your photos and enjoy our temperatures and the rain.

  2. Ida, these photo's are magnificant!! It takes very special conditions to make this kind of frost and you captured it.
    BTW... Every time I open your blog and see the kitty pics on the top I get a great big smile.

  3. WoW Ida, these are just so special! I love the winter red!

  4. That is some really cool looking frost!

  5. Was it last year when the Walla Walla Valley had that long temperature inversion with amazing frost? I have some wonderful photos that I took between Weston and Milton-Freewater.


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