Saturday, January 26, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - January 27, 2013

Welcome! - It's been a quieter week and I'm happy to report that this week all of my hunt photo's are current!

So won't you join me on the hunt at Ashley's blog for Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

This weeks prompts are:  Lace, Bling, Wood, Fuzzy and Fabric.
Click to enlarge photo's.


The back to one of the new tops that we got Coleen for her birthday this past week.  I love the lace detail.  Pretty snazzy for an 8 year old.


We went to a furniture store today so my mom could buy a new chair.  I took my camera along and spotted this wall hanging with some serious bling in the center.


Coleen and I went to the park this afternoon and snapped some photo's.  There was a tree there that had parts of the bark worn off showing this really fuzzy (could have qualified for that prompt too) looking wood underneath.


A fuzzy cat asleep on a fuzzy blanket.  (Captain Cuddles)


A fabric pillow pattern I spotted at the furniture store.

Piglet got a good report at the Vet's on Friday but is still on medication for another week.  He's starting to adjust to being in the house and is being allowed out of his little room to explore a little more of my mom's house so that's an added blessing.

Have a wonderful week.


  1. I love your collection of patterns and textures. The pic of the little Coleen is lovely - so soft and gentle. The pic of the ginger pussy cat on the leopard skin is my favourite! How cheeky of him to choose that place to sleep!

  2. Hi Ida :)
    Nice scavenger hunt! Fuzzy is beautiful against the leopold spots - and a neat pillow! I'm glad Piglet is feeling better.

  3. Good choices for the Hunt. Love the cat!
    Have a blessed Sunday!
    Lea's Menagerie

  4. Very nice photo set. The wood capture is very interesting. Have a wonderful day.

  5. What a fun set this week - Coleen's eyes are amazing!

  6. Wow...these are all really great and it's so hard to choose a favorite.

    I do like that clock though and the wood is also very pretty!

    Nicely done! Happy Sunday ♥

  7. I like your Wood shot. Very creative. Captain Cuddles is a favorite also. Nice post!Thanks for sharing.

  8. Love the idea of wall bling. Your wood shot is great - the colors and the textures especially. Nice set.

  9. Your Fuzzy photo is great! I love that your fuzzy cat chose that fabric for a modeling backdrop :)

  10. Your Fuzzy photo is so fun! I love that your fuzzy cat chose that fabric as a backdrop.

  11. What a fun set! Really like fuzzy and wood :-)

  12. Wonderful interpretations - and Coleen is precious!!!!

  13. Great shots! My 8 year old would LOVE the shirt that your dd has. She likes anything lacy, sparkly, etc.


  14. A fat fuzzy cat on a cat print fuzzy blanket...fabulous! Great photo's I really love the lace on the back of the little girls shirt, that is a stunnin shot.

  15. So many wonderful shots. But I am loving that kitty shot.

  16. Great choices! The wood shot is very detailed! Cute photo of the cat. I like the contrasting "camo" patterns! :-)

  17. WoW, great, creative set!! wood is awesome, as is the news about piglet!!

  18. That kitty cat looks like he has it made...a good life. Great line-up this week, Ida. Cute blouse for Coleen.

  19. Fantastic job with these. I really like that wall piece for 'bling' and of course the kitty.

  20. Nice set. The fabric pilow and te kitty are lovely pictures, but all pics are beautiful.

  21. Good choices for the prompts! The tree is really cool. Glad Piglet is doing better! :)

  22. Ah love your cat so cute :) The lace really makes your daughters top that extra bit special, i love lace.
    Also love your wood shot, very nice x

  23. Great pics! Love the lace and the bling!

  24. Great photos, Ida! You're right about the serious bling on that wall hanging. Once again I enjoyed following you around on your Scavenger Hunt Saturday!

  25. Love Fuzzy cat!
    And your Cat portraits at the top of your blog - Wonderful!
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  26. Great pictures. Wood is interesting and fuzzy is .... Fuzzy. I liked them all. Thanks

  27. What fabulous texture you captured on the wood!!!


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